Love My Doc, Just Wanted to Share
I just wanted to share with everyone on the Illinois Board that may be looking for a surgeon or after care doctor about my experience with Dr. Heydari. I was on these boards 6 months or so ago looking for a Doc that did fills for Lap Band patients because I was moving from TX to IL and needed to find a surgeon. Someone suggested Dr. Heydari so I contacted his office and he agreed to do my aftercare.
Everytime I have gone to Dr. H he has been kind, listened to me and my opinions and has taken great care of me. I went to him last Thurs for a fill, during that time he saw my arms (I had an arm lift in Mexico a month ago) he saw that I had some seromas and was very concerned at how they looked. He jumped into action and took care of them right away. I could tell he really cared that I was ok. AND he didn't charge me extra to drain them. The fill I received that same day ended up being too much for me so I spent the weekend not being able to eat or drink. I called first thing Monday moring and his office told me he does surgeries on Mondays and was not in the office. After his surgeries were done he made a special trip to his office just to unfill me. I am just SO happy and greatful to have found a doctor that I can trust and that I know cares about my well being. I wanted to share my experience and tell everyone that recommended him to me "Thank You!".