Wednesday Roll Call
Hello Christina,
I am sorry to hear about your sister, I will lift her up in prayer. Remember God is the great physician and he is our healer. Trust him and we will pray that this is not cancer. I am new to the group and am trying to get to know everyone. Keep us posted on your sister and expect great things.
I am sorry to hear about your sister, I will lift her up in prayer. Remember God is the great physician and he is our healer. Trust him and we will pray that this is not cancer. I am new to the group and am trying to get to know everyone. Keep us posted on your sister and expect great things.
Revision on 04/19/13
Morning, I am really running late, I didn't wake up until 7, but have to post, I am addicted to OH and the IL Forem!!!!!
Work and out for dinner tonight for me. I am still having issues with eating, but will take it up with DR G on Friday.
Hugs as I scoot out the door!
Good Morning Paul and my IL family,
Paul, what a nightmare. Ya gotta love when you do what you're supposed to and then they take their sweet time and still blame you when it's not done! what a bunch of boneheads.
nothing on the adgenda for me today...I got my computer final back and got a 96!! woohoo, I am excited about that. It was a hard one too. Hopefully my other grades will start rolling in as well.
Oh I still haven't heard about my test results yet, even though I call every day!! I am SOOO frustrated with them
I hope everyone has a wonderful day today!
Paul, what a nightmare. Ya gotta love when you do what you're supposed to and then they take their sweet time and still blame you when it's not done! what a bunch of boneheads.
nothing on the adgenda for me today...I got my computer final back and got a 96!! woohoo, I am excited about that. It was a hard one too. Hopefully my other grades will start rolling in as well.
Oh I still haven't heard about my test results yet, even though I call every day!! I am SOOO frustrated with them
I hope everyone has a wonderful day today!
Good morning Paul and the rest of Illinois!
I am sorry to hear about the phone company causing you stress Paul. Give 'em heck!
I am working today, then home----not too much exciting for me. David is going to a concert tonight, one he has been looking forward to for a long time. We were not going to let him go at first because it is a school night, but he has been doing very well keeping his grades up so far this year and we thought he deserved a reward.
Later on, I will probably go over to my neighbor's to see about putting some comedy show tickets on E-Bay. Unless someone here is interested? I have one (possibly 2) extra ticket to the Cheech & Chong show at the Rosemont Theater on November 8, 7:30 pm AND 4 extra tickets to the Jeff Dunham show on December 30 at 7:00 pm. Both shows sold out almost immediately. If interested, PM me.
I am going to the eye doctor today for the first time in 8-9 years. Wish me luck. I've always had perfect eyesight, but lately, I have been having a bit of trouble reading. Getting old, I guess.
I am happy to hear that Lucy is feeling better.
Kim is looking GREAT (and feeling great too)!
Monica----GREAT JOB on the computer final. I hope the rest of the tests come back in the same range.
Christina---OF course I will pray and send healing energy and good vibes to your sister and your family.
Janet----you will have a whole new house before you know it. Good for you for getting to ONEderland!
Nancy---I am SOOO not ready for winter weather. I am already wearing long johns and numerous layers of clothing. I will have to find electric clothes before too long! ;-)
Crystal----take it one day at a time. I know how hard it is, but get right back on the wagon.
Everyone else-----stay safe and warm and have an awesome day!
I am sorry to hear about the phone company causing you stress Paul. Give 'em heck!
I am working today, then home----not too much exciting for me. David is going to a concert tonight, one he has been looking forward to for a long time. We were not going to let him go at first because it is a school night, but he has been doing very well keeping his grades up so far this year and we thought he deserved a reward.
Later on, I will probably go over to my neighbor's to see about putting some comedy show tickets on E-Bay. Unless someone here is interested? I have one (possibly 2) extra ticket to the Cheech & Chong show at the Rosemont Theater on November 8, 7:30 pm AND 4 extra tickets to the Jeff Dunham show on December 30 at 7:00 pm. Both shows sold out almost immediately. If interested, PM me.
I am going to the eye doctor today for the first time in 8-9 years. Wish me luck. I've always had perfect eyesight, but lately, I have been having a bit of trouble reading. Getting old, I guess.
I am happy to hear that Lucy is feeling better.
Kim is looking GREAT (and feeling great too)!
Monica----GREAT JOB on the computer final. I hope the rest of the tests come back in the same range.
Christina---OF course I will pray and send healing energy and good vibes to your sister and your family.
Janet----you will have a whole new house before you know it. Good for you for getting to ONEderland!
Nancy---I am SOOO not ready for winter weather. I am already wearing long johns and numerous layers of clothing. I will have to find electric clothes before too long! ;-)
Crystal----take it one day at a time. I know how hard it is, but get right back on the wagon.
Everyone else-----stay safe and warm and have an awesome day!
Busy day for me. 8 loads of laundry to the laundramat because my dryer don't work will take my afternoon time and the furnace still won't kick in. I geuss I have to call the repair man today because it is no getting any warmer. I worked last night for 6 hours and it went pretty good till the end of the night and my incisions started burning and hurting. Then went I got home, I tried coming in the house quiet and didn't turn on the lights and tripped over my moose of a rottweiller and fell face first into the floor. OW! Thank God for vicodin. Everyone have a warm day!
Theresa, Rockford
234 / 182 / 145
Theresa, Rockford
234 / 182 / 145
I am still having a monster time with the phone companies, but I wanted to report an exciting event! I was in my bosses office this morning and he had a Boston Red Sox jacket that he won a few months back. Several other managers had tried it on and it didn't fit. Nobody really cares about it because it's not a home town team, but I thought I would give it a try. IT FIT! It's a large and I'm no longer an XXLarge or even a Xlarge! I walked all over the company to show the other managers. They all shook my hand and congradulated me. I repeat, it's a large and it fit!!! I sure hope the rest of the day feels this good. Paul