Thursday Roll Call
You are just the sweetest. It was very nice to meet you. Sorry, if I was venting a little. It is was just a little upsetting news about the band. I researched, studied and followed the rules. And to have something wrong with it is discouraging. But I am lucky Dr. Lahmann took me on and I will be in good hands. I really like everyone at the office. All I can do is my best. I have learned a lot through this journey. (even about myself) I always try to remind myself I did this surgery to be healthy not get into the smallest size I can. You are doing sooo good. 65 pounds is a lot and you should be very proud. You have a lot to be grateful for. Don't you have an other grandchildren on the way? Have a great day and I hope to see you again.
Good Morning IL.....
It is cold cold cold today! Burr.....I wish I still have my portable heater here at work.
Nothing new & exciting for me. Just been working on my homemade christmas cards in the evenings. I know it's only October but it takes so long to make them then I will have to move to teachers christmas presents.
I am doing well since surgery. There was a couple times I swallowed to quickly and was in dire pain! Wow, thought I was dying! But it passed and I was glad of that. I am down 30 lbs since starting my liquid diet. So I am very happy with that.
I have noticed that I can drink a little more as time passes. How long does it take for the swelling to go down where you can eat more than 1/4 cup at a time?
Hope everyone has a great day!
Its been awhile since I have been on, but I just wanted to check in and say hello to all. I am very excited today is my last 6 mos supervised diet doctor appt! Hopefully it won't take long for my insurance company to respond. They have everything except the 6 month documentation. I am really excited to get this surgery scheduled. Although I know I gained weight this month and I don't think Dr. Rosen will be to happy with me.
Have a great day all!
Good morning !!
I left work early, wasn't feeling I was able to sleep in this morning. What a difference a few extra hours of sleep makes.
I haven't posted in quite a while, but will try to get on here and catch up with everyone.
Hmmmm....what am I grateful for? Finding my soulmate....FINALLY!!!! I'm also grateful that I have a job I love doing...(although I'm not always thrilled about working overnight shift)...and my health. Oh, and of course the furkids....they make me smile every day.
I have checked in a couple of times, but this is my first chance to post.
I am working as usual at the moment, but now the day is more than half gone....yee haw!!!!
Last night was pretty nice. I took home a couple of steaks and we had steak, blackened shrimp, veggies and garlic bread (for them) for our anniversary dinner. Liv even lit the candles on the table and we all ate together. It was nice, because with both of them in sports at the moment, we have been eating a lot of quick foods and left overs. (Notice I don't say "fast" food"!) The biggest surprise was when I went up to go to bed, I found a dozen red, pink and yellow roses waiting for me on my pillow!!!! That is SOOO cool! You see, I LOVE fresh flowers and that would be my big indulgence if I were rich, but Todd, on the other hand thinks they are a waste of money since they just die and have to be thrown away. So, for him to get me flowers shows how very much he wanted to make me happy!
SO.....of course I am grateful to have found Todd; to have my wonderful, healthy children and grandchildren. I am grateful that we are employed and can provide a roof over our heads, food on the table and cover our basic needs with occasional fun stuff thrown in for good measure.
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of this lovely day!