Good News for Dreyer Patients with BC/BS HMO IL
The requirements have changed for Dreyer Patients who have BC/BS HMO IL! As of 10/01/08 the only requirement is, a BMI of 40 or more, or BMI of 35-40 with 2 co-morbidities! They have dropped the Psych Eval, Dietician appts, Sleep Study, ETC.....
PRAISE GOD! The insurance companies are finally getting it!
Have a Blessed Day All!
Good Luck to you.
Christina, I'm with you. Whether or not the insurance requires all these workups I think an excellent doc and bariatric program would require them. Otherwise it's like a cancer patient taking whatever chemo drug is on hand without seeing which is the right one for the cancer. I wouldn't go to a doc that didn't require a full workup! My life is worth more than that!
I can only tell you that my year with the dietician was OVERKILL. I believe that any good Surgeon would require that you be educated before you had the surgery. I can't imagine that any Surgeon would just cut without some type of education. That being said, I do believe that the requirements should be regulated by the Surgeon, not the insurance companies. I had OPEN RNY in June of this year, and have lost 75lbs, and I guarantee you, my weight loss has nothing to do with the fact that I spent a year with the dietician. I learned more from one visit with the surgeon, then I had learned in 1 year with the dietician.
I am so happy for all of the patients out there who won't have to jump through all of the (insurance required) hoops that I had to. May they also be blessed with a surgeon who will make sure that they are making an educated decision.