Who Knew and how did you find out??
Hi Cathy,
I totally agree, they should have sent out a mass mailing or something to all current patients to let them know about the move, especially with the street name issue. Hopefully, that is on their agenda. Also give a call to the office ( the phones should be working now), to verify the location of your MD visit. They are still seeing patients in the A.H office and also in Elk Grove, so you might just want to double check with Donna.
I totally agree, they should have sent out a mass mailing or something to all current patients to let them know about the move, especially with the street name issue. Hopefully, that is on their agenda. Also give a call to the office ( the phones should be working now), to verify the location of your MD visit. They are still seeing patients in the A.H office and also in Elk Grove, so you might just want to double check with Donna.
One last comment, I do think the office is going to hear a lot of concerns from the patients, as there is no excuse for what happened during the past 2 days. They sure are prompt with their bills.
I love the docs, but the management of the office stinks! Oh well, I added another comment. It's just something I feel strongly about. Otherwise, I'm dormant here.....
I love the docs, but the management of the office stinks! Oh well, I added another comment. It's just something I feel strongly about. Otherwise, I'm dormant here.....
Hi Monica,
I was at the Lap Band Support group this morning and Dr. Crane talked about the phone and moving situation with the Kane Center. He said that the Arlington Heights office is still open as well as the Elk Grove Village location. They're now considered satellite offices and the main office is this new Hoffman Estates office. Where that is I don't know. Dr. Crane advised us when making appointments to double check what location they're scheduling you at. You could be at any of them. The phones are a Comcast issue per Dr. Crane and they should (keep your fingers crossed) be working by this Monday. I do agree that they did a poor job of communicating this to their patients.
Take care!