Saturday Roll Call
I had my appointment with Dr. Guske yesterday and got another fill of 1 cc. I think I have a lot of restriction now. I was on fluids yesterday and did quite well

I'm going to take it easy with foods today, very small and chewing well. I think that is part of my problem. I'm so used to swallowing it down way too fast! I know that I will not be able to eat much, so I have to make sure to get in my protein. Perhaps I will have to go to 6 small meals a day to get in my protein needs. We'll see.
I'll be off to weigh****chers soon and then it's a day with my sister. Tomorrow I'll be seeing Mom.
Dawn, I hope your tie-dye party goes well. Sorry to have missed it.
Where's my friends Ronna, Barry and Pam? Anyone know?
Have a wonderful and fun weekend.

You are right Lucy, where is Pam and Ronna? We haven't seen Ronna in ages. Kim has been missing too , as well as Marilyn and Jenn. Barry? where are you hiding now.
I am unable to make it to Dawns today too. For everyone who is going, have a load of fun!
Today I am picking up the house, running some errands and going to our local park for a juried art show. I also would like to finish a rug I am working on. All I have left to do is the fringe around it. I may have to run to Wally World for fabric, for my next one. I will see when I look at the fabric I have, and see if I need any other support colors.
Otherwise, my weekend looks quiet.

and wait for a bit for breakfast.
BTW, we found a new place to go for dinner. Its a local place, but they have senior meals for $5.00. Hubby had pot roast and I had ribs. Both plates were way over what we could eat. I ate the 4 ribs, tossed the fries and brought home the drink and baked beans. And tossing the fries didn't cause any guilt. I really think we have to forget our Mothers teaching us to finish our food. That is part of what caused us to overeat anyway.
On Wed I went out to dinner with all my co-workers before we had to go to our Bus Refresher Course. This was the first time to have been out to eat in front of anyone like that since being banded!
I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich because the chicken is usually smaller then a meal grilled chicken. It came with fries but I said for her to bring o-rings instead.
When the food got there the first thing I did was got rid of the bun, then picked out 4 o-rings and discarded the rest. One of the older men sitting across from me noticed and said is that all you are going to eat, I said no I am only eating half of the chicken! He really did not say anything else after that. I only ate 2 of the o-rings and half of the chicken and I was good to go. Did not order a drink. Just sipped some water before while everyone else was eating there appetizers!
I'm sitting here drinking my cup of coffee and reading the boards. Not much going on today.....DH has inventory at work and may be gone most of the day. Maybe I'll do a load of the ever growing laundry.....maybe not. I want to finish reading the book I started yesterday. Oh well, not much else......
Have a great day everyone!
Today is Dawn's tye dye party and Brigid and I are about to get ready to go. It is a 2 hr drive for us but it is a beautiful day for a drive into the country. Brigid is used to the car, and as long as I have some music on, she is good to go. She will be asleep in a few mins and off we will go. I am looking forward to seeing all my OH friends again.
Lucy, I am glad you got your fill, and are feeling good about it. Maybe this will jump start you again and get the scale moving!
I have had a stall myself for the past few weeks and today I got on the scale and was down 3.5 pounds! I hope I broke my stall. I think I was not eating enough and my body was in that starvation mode everyone talks about. In the past couple of days I have been able to get a little more in, ( first I was worried that it was too much) and more water in so maybe that helped.
Lisa, Have fun crafting! I was at Joann fabrics yesterday getting some fall things and wanted to but some fabric to quilt, but I refrained until I get things more in order here at home. Once I start a quilt, I get obcessed and do nothing else!
Carol, enjoy your book, I long for the day when I can read a whole book again! I used to devour books. Then kids came along and poof, no more time to read unless you count people magazine in the grocery check out aisle. LOL!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Well, it is almost afternoon. Dave and I went to the Kane Center pre surg seminar this morning AND Lucy I saw your cute Dr Guske. I got a great compliment from him. He told me as I was leaving that I did so well explaining things that I could stay and do the seminar. I know a fair amount about the band that I was explaining to a person in the audience about the placement of the band, when you get your first fill and the restriction that you will have afterwards. The person asked a question about the two different weight loss expectations between the gastric and the band early out.
Dave and I made two fast stops after the seminar - one at Wally World for a couple of nightlights and Halloween table decorations. Then we ended up at a roadside garden market by Medevil Times for some Indian Corn. We got everything we set out for. Well, Dave and I are at the Creek right now waiting to serve lunch to the team. I hopefully will see Randy's wife in the kitchen when we go pick up the food.
Afterwards from the Creek we are going out to Loves Park to a B-day party and will spend the night. Tomorrow there is Lion's Spaghetti dinner at the local park district. We love to go and visit with all the people that we know from the town.
Open RNY May 7
Today will be quiet day doing easy household chores. I feel much stronger now but every once in awhile my sutures pain me. I take that as a sign to slow down and let them heal up.
I am off my diabetes meds and BP meds. I seem to be tolerating puree foods fine and no issues there. Amazing how I do not have any hunger after eating only 4 oz!!!
For those heading to Dawn's have a wonderful time Tye dyeing- the weather looks perfect for a day outside.
Lucy - wish you fun day with your sister, glad you are doing well.
Christine have nice time at the B-day party.
Everyone else have a wonderful saturday