Wow Moment
HURRAY FOR YOU!!! I cant wait to be able to buy jeans that I actually feel comfy in! I hope by Dec when the snow comes, I am tired of the stretchy pants!
I had a small WOW moment the other day when I got in the car to drive and I realized that I fit behind the steering wheel much easier and the wheel was easier to turn. It sometimes gets hard to turn because my belly would rub up against it. I hated that! I was so excited, I kept it to myself for my own little sense of accomplishment.
I had a small WOW moment the other day when I got in the car to drive and I realized that I fit behind the steering wheel much easier and the wheel was easier to turn. It sometimes gets hard to turn because my belly would rub up against it. I hated that! I was so excited, I kept it to myself for my own little sense of accomplishment.
WooHoo Eileen that's awesome. I have noticed too that I can tilt my steering wheel farther down too. However the moment I will never forget is when my son, Jacob and I were in the van and he says to me, "mom, now don't take this the wrong way, but I can tell your losing weight, cuz your thigh doesn't spread out as much in the car" I about bust a gut laughing...LOL He's right though! it's those little things we have to look out for!
My 14 yr old told me the other day that I was gonna be hot! LOL
Monica if you have a Sams Club card go there to get some of their jeans. They are called Smiths and they are the slimming fit. I bought 2 pair of the 12's a few weeks ago thinking they would not fit because the other jeans I was wearing came from walmart and were 14's. Well the 12's fit so good. I went 2 weeks ago and bought 1 pair of them in 10's just in case they slod out. Well the 10's were very tight I had to lay down to zip ...I am wearing them now and like I told my daughter I can stick my hands in them w/out unzipping. The 12's I can drop to go potty w/out unzipping so I don't know if they are made bigger or what but I love the look. The only problem is I am 5 ft tall and they only come in average. So I do have to roll once!
Congrats on you NSV.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Believe your boys they are honest with you, after all its what we taught them honesty!
Congrats on you NSV.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Believe your boys they are honest with you, after all its what we taught them honesty!
Monica congrats on your wow moment. I actually had one today myself. I went to my PCP's office to make a payment, I had called ahead of time to make sure the office would be open. So I get there and get to the window while the girl at the desk is chatting on the phone. The other Dr's office lady says are you here to see this Dr or that one. I said " Oh I am just here to make a payment." Thats when the girl who handles my Dr's people at the front desk informs whoever is on the phone she will have to call them back. I hand her the check and she says "OMG I did not recognize you, you look so great!" I have not been there since before my surgery so that made me feel so good. Here is to us all and our WOW moments!!
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Revision on 04/19/13