Thursday Roll Call
Hope everyone has a good day
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
they are so good and much better then the ones from the store
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
I hope you got plenty of sleep Randy.
I am working again today, then later, I need to get some groceries. Liv has an "away" volleyball game and David has practice until 5:30, then Boy Scouts at 7.
Not too much else going on, except I am getting a bit apprehensive about a barbeque at my In-Laws tomorrow. As some of you may know, my MIL and I have a rocky relationship. The last time they threw a party almost identical to this one, she lost her marbles and verbally attacked and abused me in front of about 30 people, including Liv. It was VERY traumatic and I don't know that I will ever get completely over it. Staying away is not really an option, and I know that it will not happen again, but it still causes apprehension. I will just try to think positive thoughts and hope for the best. Besides, Todd will be with me this time and no harm will come to me with him around! (My hero!!!!!)
I wish everyone a awesome day!
You know....I don't know why I don't post here much. I read it everyday. I live in IL. I am getting ready to have one of the most life altering surgeries of my life. Why am I such a lurker instead of a poster? I don't know. I am a very private person & have always been. I am getting ready to go through with surgery and I have family that doesn't even know. Due to not wanting to deal with the drama that comes with that. I really haven't decided if I will even tell them or not yet.
So anyway, I will tell you that I am a mom of 2 children. One is 12 yr old girl who is now into makeup and boys. One 7 yr old son who has caused more gray hairs on me than I need at my age. He has been the hardest things I have ever done and he is also has high funtioning autism. This is what I deal with everyday.
Back to me. I am 36 and going in to have a VSG in Peoria on Oct 7th. Am I nervous? NOPE! But I am scared to death about the liquid diet. Isn't that just crazy? I'm excited about the surgery and scared of the liquid diet. I think I have my wires crossed. I am scared I won't make it through the 2 weeks on liquids. I am scared that I will fail. But I am excited about the surgery & can't wait for the day to be here. I am a little scared of the pain as I am a big baby! But I can do it.
Anyway, I just wanted to say Hi and I will try to start posting on here everyday. Thanks for listening!
This is the best place for support and friendship. Congratulation on your decision to take control of your life!
I understand about not telling many people. I have a very dramatic group of in-laws and I did not want to tell them at all. I work for my FIL, so I HAD to tell him, but I was not going to tell the rest of them. He convinced me to tell my MIL, but I waited until the very end and asked her NOT to tell anyone else.............of course, THAT did not happen. I think she did not even get out of the building before she called one of her daughters. Oh well.....such is life.
I found the liquid diet to be OK. It was not as difficult as I thought. I think (like many things) it is in the way you approach it. Just look at it as the first step to your new life. The biggest things I remember about it were that it always seemed to be time to have something, and I noticed how much "grazing" or eating for the sake of eating I had really been doing.
I hope it helps to know that you are not alone.......
I can say that these boards have given me so much information that I have needed for my upcoming surgery. And it's thanks to this website that I even found out about the VSG.
I can understand about your family. So far I have only told people who haven't said anything to anyone & they have all been very supportive. My SIL's on the other hand I have yet to tell. Reason being is that I'm not sure they would be as supportive but more jealous as they are overweight too and I don't need that drama in my life when I am trying to better myself. Problem may come up that I need them while I am in the hospital though. So I have a feeling that I am gonna have to tell them before my surgery.
Yes, the liquid diet is mental I'm sure. I just hope I can mentally prepare myself for it. I am working on it now. I have moved over to having 1 protein shake a day then I am going to move to 2 protein shakes a day. I may be chewing on my desk by the time I hit 3 shakes a day though. LOL