Thursday Roll Call

Janet H.
on 9/10/08 11:26 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
Hi Deb I saw the pedicure on TV wanted to get it for my dogs, I have to take my one Min Pin in to the vet to her nails cuts. she has very hard nails and does not like to have her feet touched either.  So you say it works good? What kind of sound does it make,?  I was afraid that she would not like the sound either.

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



on 9/12/08 12:58 am - Park Ridge, IL

It sounds like a quiet or low electric toothbrush.  Ernie is a shar-pei.  The majority of peis  are afraid of any type of water, getting their ears and nails done.  He even gets upset if I cough or sneeze.  BIG BABIES!!! 

Lisa Tucker
on 9/10/08 10:17 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Illinois,

Connie, I hope your day is better today. Randy, I hope you are still in slumberland.

Crystal, roast beef is good. Especially the thin sliced kind, where you get 7 slices for 70 calorie. I take that, with a few slices of cheese to make rollups for lunch.

Deb, if you are short on iron, you can get it through an iv.

Monica, I made Pauls pulled pork for dinner on Sunday, without the buns,  and it was great. Can't wait till I can make it again. I think it has become one of the weekend standards.

I am working today, and tomorrow I will be going to see Dr. Guske. This is 11 months for me, and next month will be my one year bandaversity. I sure has gone fast.

Even if it is to be warmer today, I slipped on a sweatshirt to wear. My local office tends to be cooler then I like, and since I dinot control the thermostat..........

So, I am off and running this morning. Oh, BTW, Kohls is having a heck of a sale. If anyone needs tops or pants, everything is marked way down.



Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Nancy G.
on 9/10/08 10:19 pm - La Salle, IL
Good morning Randy and Illinois!

This has to be a quick post this morning as I have a 9:30 appointment with my surgeon and she is 1 1/2 hours away.  I always seem to run late.  Never can get the timing down right.  Some days its traffic, others road construction.  Doesn't matter how much time I allow, I am usually late.    Doesn't help when they schedule those of us that live far away in the early time slots.  Oh well.  I will do my best to get there.  When I get home, I get to run errands as I took the entire day off work.  I need a break so it should be a good day. 

Sounds like everyone is doing good.  Hope that continues. 

    Cat Lady

on 9/10/08 11:23 pm - Chicago, IL
Good morning everybody! I do love reading all your posts although I"m not always up for saying much about myself. Big hugs to all of you who take the time to write in so I can follow your doings.  As for me, I'm still sick but I was smart enough yesterday to go to the Dr and get on antibiotics and a powerful cough syrup since my throat was so sore and my hacking so forceful I knew it wasn't just a common cold or allergies.

Here's a question to the group: Do you think we're more vulnerable to infections due the stress our bodies are under post-surgery and restricted calories? I hope the answer will be "No" but I'm curious to know what the general concensus might be.

Work has been going well despite not feeling tip-top. That's one of the pluses about working from home. I could resize the photos for 3 hours then take a break, then go at it again. This weekend I think I'll encourage my 15 y.o. step-d, Jeanine, to go to the Renegade Craft Fair with me. It's in Wicker Park and I've never been. I want to learn hand block printing (like cotton prints made in India) to make some curtains for our front room. Any sources?

That's it for today. I guess I'm getting better. I haven't coughed for hours!

Janet H.
on 9/10/08 11:40 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
Hi Nina sorry to hear you are still not feeling good, I sure hope you feel better soon,
Now for you question, for me No I have not been sick one time since surgery (knock on wood)
 maybe it is all the Vitamins  I take   or that I don't work out side the home and don't have kids at home to bring home germs,  or maybe just luck, don't know as long as I stay well it is fine with me I hate being sick.

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



C. Richardson
on 9/10/08 11:48 pm

Hi Nina -
I had my surgery two years ago and have had not one cold.  I feel much healthier.
I hope you get feeling better soon.


on 9/10/08 11:58 pm - Rock City, IL
Good morning Nina!

I think the answer is in how we take care of ourselves post-op.  I personally have been MUCH healthier after surgery than before. 

I think that if you take the REQUIRED vitamins and protein then you should not have a problem.

Those that do not supplement may have issues as their bodies are not able to fight off germs and viruses as they should.  Like any person, pre-op or post-op, if your body is run down, you will be more vunerable to everything that passes by.


Tell someone that you love them!

Karen R.
on 9/11/08 12:45 am
I am 18 months out and I have or had adult asthma. I have not been sick aday since surgery!  Not even a slight wheeze!  I feel GREAT!







crystal M.
on 9/11/08 1:12 am - Joliet, IL
I think some kind of  nasty bug is going around.  I haven't had surgery yet.  Last month I got so sick (bronchitis, double ear infection, sinus infection) it took three rounds of antibiotics before I finally got better.  I never had this happen to me before.  Usually I bounce back with no problem.  

Just get lots of rest, take all of your antibiotics and drink lots of water.  Hope you feel better soon. 
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