Wednesday Roll Call
I am glad you are feeling better today.
Christina glad you got the job at OUtback. Stay away from the bloomin Onion!!!!! It will play havoc on you!!!!!
It is raining to beat the band and we need the moisture. We are getting part of the Hurricane Ike. I think it is the eastern band.
Not much wind so Im not turning off the computer yet.
I am getting ready to go to work at noon today.
Hope every has a great day.
Paul have a great trip to Detroit.
Christina?? - congrats on the Outback job. It would be way too tempting for me. I love steak. I have only been to Outback once and that was in Houston. The food was great but the service was poor. It was a happy family occasion and the harder I tried to be nice and cheerful the waitress brewed a larger storm above her head. Twenty percent tips on seventy five dollars plus per table would certainly have me smile at least once.
I forgot who was getting a new hoodie but you are such a good mom.
I have gotten all of my calls made for referals, appointments, reistration and such to see the RD and Surgeon towards the end of the month. Now I just have to deal with getting to the appointments and home again. The RD is easy but Rush I guess I will end up taking DW to work and driving in. I was a bit discouraged that my PCPs HMO referal person mentioned a year of supervised dieting. Well in truth I must have been a bit more than a bit discouraged since I ate three thousand calories yesterday and I am mentioning it here. It is amazing what a tailspin a few words can put me into. I guess I have to pick up a few plans for good and turn, turn, turn kind of thoughts to offset amybe having to wait a whole year for surgery and knowing that if I actually do well for year of dieting that even I will be wondering why I would want surgery. I know why I would want it. Even though I would be infinately healthier and able to do almost anything I wanted I would still be obese by definition of not having maintained for a year or five years and I would know how statistically there was like 99.9 percent chance that I would weigh 600 pounds by age 65 and even more likely I would never make 65. The battle is on.
GOOD MORNING oops I mean Good Afternoon everyone. I was off and running very early, too early in fact. my ds was up at 3:30, he heard daddy getting ready for work, and had to oversee him getting his stuff together ugh. Anyway, he didn't go back to bed and neither did I, although we did have to leave extra early this morning. I had to get him to daycare, and hit the highway for my preop blood tests, and sign all my consents with the doctor. Can I just tell you that I am thoroughly impressed with Dr. Joyce, he is a very handsome very thin man, but he looks you in the eye and really cares about what you are saying. I got my vitamins from him, and started taking them right away. Dr thinks that I may go into surgery on Monday before 3:30, lets hope, I wouldn't want him tuckered out late in the day.
talk to you all later!!!
Hope you, Paul had a good day. Monica, I am going to kolds after work today, and look for a jacket too. If not there, Fashion Bug tomorrow after work.
Woops, have to run, clients you know.