Saturday Roll Call
Good morning to all,
I have been having a hard time sleeping. I'm out cold for the first hour and then I toss and turn. It feels like I want to jump out of my skin. It's such a horrible feeling. Today I hope to finish up with the front yard landscaping. It is a big project. Hope that everyone has a great day.
I have been having a hard time sleeping. I'm out cold for the first hour and then I toss and turn. It feels like I want to jump out of my skin. It's such a horrible feeling. Today I hope to finish up with the front yard landscaping. It is a big project. Hope that everyone has a great day.
You did not ask for advice so please feel free to ignore me if you like. I have dealt with somethig called Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder for all my life but it just got a name a few years ago. I was able to live with it when I was strong but a few years back it sort of took over my life. Sleep docs and neuro gave me Ambien to go to sleep and Provigil to wake up with. Way too many drugs for me. The solution that has worked for me is to take just 33mcg of Melatonin 30 minutes to an hour before bed. All standard warnings apply including ask your doc and Mel can cause allergies to flare up. I have bad allergies and it would really mess me up at 3 mg but the 33 mcg works wonders with do flare ups. I get the 100 mcg tablets at Meijer or WalMart super cheap and just bite off a third at a time.
Thanks Randy, I will definitely check into this. I have been on meds to help me sleep for many, many years. I was on ambien for a long time, until they couldn't up the dose anymore. Now I'm on doxepin. I take my meds every night and still wake up a few times a week with this horrible feeling. I'm off to look up this possible solution for my "buggies".