Wednesday Roll Call

Janet H.
on 9/3/08 1:19 am - Golden Valley, AZ
Thank you Wendi, I will get  that when I go shopping, the milk did not help so I only drank half of it.

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



on 9/2/08 10:04 pm - Park Ridge, IL
Good morning to all,
I am soooo happy to be back home and to get back to some kind of normal life.  The summer holidays always take alot out of me.  There's always lots of people, cooking and cleaning.  Don't get me wrong I love to cook and I love company, but my niece's kids drive me crazy!!!  Oh have to take the good with the bad. Today I get back on a good eating plan.  I had to start monitoring my blood sugar during the past week and it hasn't been good. So now I am determined to get back on track.  Hope that everyone has a great day.  The weather looks great, time to open the windows and get out the mullberry candles (my favorite).

Monica G.
on 9/2/08 10:16 pm - North Aurora, IL

Good Morning my IL family,

Today I think I will go grocery shopping.  lol   Our house is pretty empty and if I let Mike keep doing it, we might save a lot of money, but he buys crappy stuff too, like unhealthy stuff, because it's cheaper.  I can't have that for me or the kids.  I am also stopping at a Vet's office in St Charles, they told me to come in and fill out an app, so that will be done as well. 

Other than that, nothing else really going on...
have a great cool day everyone



Nancy G.
on 9/2/08 10:25 pm - La Salle, IL
Good morning Paul and Illinois!

I can't believe it is hump day already.  Yesterday was such a good day at work for me.  I had such a great weekend.  It was wonderful and relaxing.  I need to do more of that more often!  Today Ilook forward to getting shots in my knees.  Ahhh, relief.  That will help me for a couple of months.  I wish they still held longer, but when the knees are bone on bone, any help is welcome. 

One thing about my later schedule, is I get to be my night owl and still get sleep so I am now getting 7 hours a night and that is nice. 

One of my furbaboes wants to help me type and be held so I better get off or who knows what will be posted. 

    Cat Lady

Jessica D.
on 9/2/08 10:38 pm - Pingree Grove, IL
Good Morning everyone!

Funny you mention the Greek yogurt again, I just picked some up from Woodman's last night. They had the Fage brand, but what I got is Chobani. I tried the honey this morning, and I don't know what I think of it..... I got Vanilla and Peach also, so I'll have to wait and see.

I am hoping the rain holds out until this evening. My son starts 1st grade tomorrow, and I wanted to take him to and from his bus stop a few times to get him used to it. This is his first time that he is not on the special ed. bus getting front door pick-up! I would do it during the day, but I have all my day care kids, and I don't think I can take everyone out for that walk all my myself since I have 2 infants.

Stay dry today!!
Mommy to Brandon (7), Colin (5), Alex (3), and Kelsey born 6/24/09!

on 9/2/08 11:26 pm - Orland Park, IL
Happy Hump Day Paul and Illinois!

Paul...sorry to hear about your bad experience with food but pasta isn't really good for you.

Christine..when will you be posting pictures of these pillows you are so diligently working on?

Connie...have a safe trip to Vegas. Hope you get some time to relax and enjoy yourself! sure to take your pictures in the same place every month. It will be easier to notice the weight loss. Be sure you get some full length shots.

Nina...congrats on the four pound loss!

Janet...mexican for dinner...what time?

Deb...I too love being able to open all the windows and light the candles.

Monica...would you like to do my grocery shopping?

Nancy..hopefully the shots in your knees will give you the relief your looking for.

Jessica...I hope the rain holds out so you can walk your son to the bus.

I hope you all enjoy this wonderful day!

on 9/3/08 1:42 am - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
pictures = eventually. and remember I have not started the brown ones yet.

Open RNY May 7


Monica G.
on 9/3/08 11:28 am - North Aurora, IL
Carol, I'm sorry but I hate grocery shopping!  LOL  Mike started doing it when I was in the hospital and had been doing it up until very recently, when I decided I had to start doing it again or everyone else in my family would die early from eating crap.  I spent $250 today at Meijer and got a TON of good things!  woohoo



(deactivated member)
on 9/2/08 11:50 pm - Park Forest, IL
Good Morning Paul & Illinois

We've been up since 6 and out the door at 7 this am for a minor  "Nana" emergency at our daughters this am, good thing she lives close.  Cheyanne is getting her 6 yr molars and running a temp and would not cooperate with mommy to take any tylenol. She wanted Nana to fix it. So off we went. She is runing fever,  101, but took the tylenol fine for me even let me put some anbesol on the molar.  Mommy is shaking her head.

Soon we are off to the grocery store soon to get some healthy quick on the go meals for me. 

Paul, I made a protein shake from the  Body Tech Whey Pro 24 last night  with 1/2 c frozen mixed fruit for a late dinner. i was going to be really short on calories and protein last night. It was really yummy.  Thanks for the powder. Now I'll have to get to Vitamin Shoppe soon to get another canister.

I have the girls again today but they will be here which will help me manage my food better.  With all the running back and forth to my daugghters and the stress from their separation I am forgetting to eat.  Our fridge is finally fixed so now I can get some good quick healthy on the go things.   The hubby is going  to spend some time at our daughters fixing some stuff.

Hugs, Paulette
on 9/3/08 12:29 am - Rock City, IL
Good morning Paul and the rest of my Illinois friends!

Glad that you like the yogurt, and I can always send the recipe again if you need it.

I have been at work since 6:15, as I got an early start with a stationary bike ride this morning.  I am trying the interval approach to see if THAT will do anything to shake a pound or two loose.

My nausea is better today, but I had some heartburn, so I will still be keeping a watch on it.  Not sure what to think, so I will just pay attention.

Liv was coughing when she got home last night and was not feeling very well this moring at all---cold symptoms--runny nose, sore throat, the works.  She was going to take some cold medicine and head off for school, but we will see how it goes.  She HATES to miss school, and is always working on the Perfect Attendance Award.  If she does not make it through the day, I will have another "bad mom" check mark with the school nurse.  It is just SO hard to judge sometimes.......she might be perfectly fine by now, and if I had made her stay home, she would be all upset over losing the day, especially so close to the beginning of the year.  Oh well, we'll just have to see how it works out.

We have a "Meet the Teacher" tonight for LIv, and A Day in Rock City committee meeting tonight.  Tomorrow is Boy Scouts and volleyball, and Friday is, of course, football.  I hope we can rest over the weekend.....oops, no rest on Saturday, that is Liv's first play rehearsal.

It is cloudy and cooler here, and it looks like rain.

Everyone enjoy your day!


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