Tuesday Roll Call

Paul L.
on 8/25/08 8:42 pm - Cary, IL
Good Morning Illinois.  It looks like it's going to be a nice day out there.  For me it's work as usual.  I may try and get a message tonight after dinner, but I'm not sure yet.  Liz and I played ping pong last night and I'm a bit tired.  I finally took the last game in overtime.  That's the first in about six.  I blame it on my weight loss!  I covered more table prior to my WLS!  But it's starting to come back to me.  The game, not the weight!  I hope there are some ping pongers at the meet and greet!  Have a great day!  Paul



on 8/25/08 9:07 pm - Park Ridge, IL
Good morning Paul and Illinois friends,
Yesterday I got down and dirty.  I dug and pulled out all of my front yard landscape.  Finally!!!  My DH and I have been watching Desperate Landscapes for the past few months and I finally got the nerve to do it.  Don't know what I plan on planting but I had to start somewhere.  Today I have my grandbaby who is crawling and faster than a speeding bullet.  So I need to do some floor washing, baby proofing and cabinet locking this am.  Paul, it sounds like you are really enjoying your ping pong table.  Sounds like great exercise.   I hope that everyone has a great day.
on 8/25/08 9:21 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
I slept in this morning.  I stayed up last night a little later than usual because I was looking at my new furniture in the living room  I loved the furniture in the store and love it more now that it is here in the house.  I have been busy making the little pillows that are turning out so cute. I forgot that I had such talent. I do need to take my sewing machine in for a tune up and cleaning. I have had it for close to 25 years and it never has gone in.

Work for me in a short while, then home to do some laundry and start packing for the weekend to the Quad Cities. Not much else happening with me other than I have been putting some of my time in at work on a project that needs to be done by the end of the year - a records training manual. It is so hard to put down in step by step words of how to do a task. It just is so automatic - I do it.



love the new smileys they put up for us to use   

Open RNY May 7


Nancy G.
on 8/25/08 9:26 pm - La Salle, IL
Good Morning Paul and Illinois

I am up and trying to get at em this morning.  I sure could go back to bed this morning.  It is a beautiful morning and the temperature is perfect -- for sleeping.    I love the cooler nights and sleep like a baby but it makes it hard to get up in the mornings. 

No special plans for the day,  just the usual of work and then home.  My yard is looking less like a jungle every day.  I really appreciate the guy I hired to clean it up.  I am paying him double his asking price after I went out there and saw houw bad it really was.  He is new at this type of work and did not realize what he was getting himself into.  Poor guy. 

Have a great day!

    Cat Lady

Janet H.
on 8/25/08 9:50 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
Good morning Paul and the rest of IL, for me today my daughter is coming to get me later this AM, and we are going over to a friends for  that should be fun, as I have not been out of the house since Friday. as I can't drive yet with this big boot  on my Rt. foot. So I am looking forward to the outing.
Paul congrats on you ping pong win,
Hope everyone has a great day and enjoy the cool day again .

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



Jessica D.
on 8/25/08 10:05 pm - Pingree Grove, IL
Good Morning everyone!

Today one of my new day care kids starts, which should be interesting. The next few weeks with school starting, and all my day care kids starting, I predict some crazy days! I need to work to figure out schedules for all the kiddos, then figure out how to incorporate our day into all of this. It can be a lot of work, but having the day care kids allows me to stay with my own boys, so I can't really complain.

I am still trying to figure out what is going on for my son's Birthday on Saturday. If we are going to be sticking around here, I am going to see if we can stop by Paul's for a bit. (That is, if you don't mind my boys!) We have tossed around the idea of Great America, so we'll have to see. I would LOVE to get to meet some of you though!!

Today I am going to try to contact my oldest son's teacher, and the special education supervisor so I can try to set up a quick meeting with the teacher and his para before school starts. I don't know if I have mentioned on here before, but my oldest has Autism, and he will be fully mainstreaming into 1st grade this year, so I just want to go over a few things before school starts. Just the paranoid mommy in me. lol

I hope everyone has a great day! I can't wait to get the kids out for a walk this morning!
Mommy to Brandon (7), Colin (5), Alex (3), and Kelsey born 6/24/09!

Paul L.
on 8/26/08 12:27 am - Cary, IL
Your kids are always welcome at our home!



Lisa Tucker
on 8/25/08 10:12 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Paul and my Illinois family. I am leaving shortly for work, then afterward I have to hit Menards for DH. The last window for the tenet house is ready to be picked up. Since I won't be going to LaSalle tomorrow, I will just have to drive an extra 50 miles to do this errand for him.Thank goodness I get decent gas milage. I may have to stop at Kolds too.

I think we will be doing a bbq with our girls this weekend, on Sunday. We will see if it  all comes together.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone on Sat. Because of work problems, DH will miss it. He doesn't have anyone to cover the afternoon and evening shifts, so that means he will be putting in a long day.So, that translates into Lisa will be driving up alone. Oh well, it could be worst.

Tomorrow and Thursday (maybe) I will be going to Rock Falls for fall training. I am not sure if I will be able to post or not. I havve to leave super early both days. Hopefully it will just be for one day.

Gotta get going, have a great day,



Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


on 8/26/08 8:41 am - Bradenton, FL

I am so excited I finally get to meet up with you.
I am flying in on Friday afternoon and Paulette is picking me up at the airport.
I just decided I had to come!!!!!

image hosting site

Nancy G.
on 8/25/08 10:12 pm - La Salle, IL

I know you have posted a time before but I cannot find it.    What is the time of the meet and greet on Saturday?

    Cat Lady

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