Saturday Roll Call
Good morning to all of the great people on the IL board. I was a sleepy head this morning and just got up. What do you and your family have planned for today? I will be not doing too much today believe it or not. We serve the production team lunch at Willow today. On the way to Barrington we will stop at a fabric store because I want to recover the seat on a chair that is in the living room. It has ugly brown 1970's fabric on it now. I have swatches from the new pieces that I bought yesterday so I can find something complimentary. It will be an easy thing to do. Just pull off the old and staple the new on.
Well, need to go and get my day rolling Enjoy Mr
Open RNY May 7
I hope everyone has a great day, no rain in the forecast.
on 8/15/08 11:41 pm - Park Forest, IL
Yesterday was a full busy day for me. I had my Thyroid Biopsy, not too bad, just a little tenderness in my neck. Saw my NUTR. she had some ideas to help me to remember to do my exercises and get all my water in. She was ecstatic about my weight loss (8lbs since my last visit with her) Said I'm her best pupil, made me feel good. I now am going to exercise or walk every morning after I have my cuppa joe and take my meds before I shower so I get it in each day. This morning DH & I walked @ 2/3 mile in 20 mins. My rt knee and left hip hurt now but after my shower they should feel better. Maybe by next week I can get it up to a mile or at least not to hurt quite o much.

So what's a girl to do in the meantime??
Today is my mother in laws 82nd bday so we are taking cupcakes & Dixie cups to the nursing home for a small family party for her. Plan to leave the extras there for the staff. The cupcakes won't be a problem for me but the ice cream is calling my name already!! Have to look up how many cals/carbs in a vanilla/strawberry dixie cup before I eat it, so at least I can work the rest of my day around that.
Hope you all have a great day & weekend, Paulette
Open RNY May 7
on 8/16/08 1:17 am - Park Forest, IL
so nice to include the others too-so many are so lonely. I am laying low today-I had a piece of chicken that my pouch didn't like and I was sick all night. Tomorrow is my Nick's 9th b-day and that baby will be there and I sure I'll be forced to hold him

on 8/16/08 1:19 am - Park Forest, IL
Hi Janet, I guess I'll find out when i hear from the doc, they said it takes @ 2 weeks for them to get the results. I do have appts scheduled for Oct for the ENT & Pulmo. maybe I'll call Monday and see about moving those up since I had the sleep study done early. Have fun with the grands! Hugs, Paulette
Hi Paulette,
I am glad to hear your biopsy went well.
The sleep study is a tricky thing. I agree with all the rest that it probably means you have some form of sleep apnea. I did not think I had it either, and went for my study and it came back mild sleep apnea. So I went for another study with the machine and I slept like a baby. Woke up feeling great. Been wearing it ever since. I brought it to the hosp and they were able to hook up oxygen to it for the first few days post op to help at night. I too was always feeling tired after sleeping and never rested, I do see the difference.
As far as the results taking 2 weeks, there is always a way around medical bureocracy (sp?) I would call your pulm. office on Mon and telll them you had your sleep study done, when and where, and you are calling for the results. They should be able to call and get them MUCH sooner than 2 weeks. Mine came in a day. That way if you have to have another study done with the cpap then you can get it scheduled right away and not lose any time. Just a suggestion. I always had to be proactive in all of my testing to keep the ball rolling. Otherwise I think I would be still be waiting on approval. LOL! BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE!!!! ALWAYS!!
Glad to hear you are moving forward and coming closer to your surgery date.
Good luck and best wishes!
on 8/16/08 8:26 am - Park Forest, IL