Friday Roll Call

Paul L.
on 8/14/08 8:33 pm - Cary, IL
GOOOOD MORNING ILLINOIS!!!  We've made it to the weekend once again.  I have a busy work day.  My senior technician is going on vacation and I need to make sure his work is complete and covered for the next week.  On top of that, I have another tech out of the office for the week as well.  I think that next week is going to be a busy one for me.  In the world of weight loss, I'm holding steady at 208 and that's just fine with me.  Eating is still a delicate matter for me, but every day I learn a little more about what my body can handle.  Last night I made scallops and corn.  I was surprised when I started to feel a little bit of resistance.  But I accepted it and stopped eating.  It was less food than I thought I would eat, but plenty to get the job done.  Have a great day and a great weekend!  Paul



on 8/14/08 9:39 pm - Park Ridge, IL
Good morning Paul and all of the Illinois folks,
It looks like it will be a good day to do some weeding.  My DH's idea of lawn work just entails cutting the grass... Not trimming bushes, edging or weeding.  Needless to say, we are growing the most beautiful weeds.  Happy Friday!
Lisa Tucker
on 8/14/08 10:20 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning

Today is the last official day of my vacation. Next week is bact to work for 2 days, then the following week, back to 4 or 5 days a week. Its time.

Today, I am going with my girls to Lake Geneva. Its the first day all summer that the 3 of us are off on the same workday. We like to do a girl thing at least once during the summer. I did they them that it would have to be one of thier cars this time. Mine is going to stay parked

No plans for the weekend. just stay home and do odd jobs around here, and make sure everything is set for going back to work.

Have a great day,



Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Nancy G.
on 8/14/08 10:42 pm - La Salle, IL
Good Morning Illinois!

TGIF   It is finally the weekend.  Unfortunately for me, my start to the weekend is slightly delayed as I dont go into wor****il 9:30 this morning which means I dont get off until 6pm.  The good part was I got to sleep in this morning. 

My yard is looking better thanks to the guy I hired to clean up the jungle.  It is such a relief to look out the window and see plants and not a bunch of weeds! 

Just got a new dress and several tops from my sister last night.  Cant wait to wear them.  My niece owns a clothing botique in New Orleans and has wonderful designer clothes.  What a treat! 

Hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful weekend. 
By the way.... If you have not tried the Chocolate Mint Ice Cream I highly recommend it  -- it is better than the store bought kind.  yummmm.  It was my breakfast this morning.  I am in love. 

    Cat Lady

(deactivated member)
on 8/14/08 11:13 pm - Park Forest, IL
Hi Paul & Illinois, here I go off again busy, busy ( what happened to retirement?) I have my Thyroid biopsy at 9:15, wish me luck i'm a little nervous this am. Then at 11,  I see my NUTR. again, wish me luck.  We have the granddaughters this afternoon.  Earl has planned to bake with them, goodies for them to take home and to take to their other grandma & great granny. One way to clear out the pantry.   Have a grat day, I'll be on lter to get my daily fix LOL! hugs, Paulette 
on 8/15/08 3:59 am - Park Ridge, IL
Good Luck on your biopsy, I'll keep you in my prayers.
(deactivated member)
on 8/15/08 6:06 am - Park Forest, IL
(deactivated member)
on 8/15/08 6:10 am - Park Forest, IL
Thanks Deb,
. the actual procedure wasn't as bad as I feared. Just some tnederness in my throat now.  I'll get the results next Thursday when I see the endocrinologist. Hope you are feeling better. Paulette

OH is causing me grief right now....I posted this and it put it in the wrong place so I deleted and started again
birder I.
on 8/14/08 11:19 pm - Rockford, IL

Good morning!

We stayed  up to watch the Olympics last night and slept in today! Those swimmers and gymnasts are amazing.

I am going to put a collar on the sweater I have been knitting this morning and then I have some work this afternoon.

Have a good day folks!



on 8/15/08 12:28 am - Rock City, IL
Good morning Paul and all of my Illinois friends!

I understand completely about being short-handed at work.  We have 3 people out of our 8 person business!  One is in the hospital, one just got out of the hospital and is home recovering and the last one's father passed on.  The good news is that it has been kind of slow so I am not too stressed.

I am leaving a few minutes early to pick Liv up from the museum so that she can catch her ride to the Girl Scout camp by 4:45.  Todd has a softball game here in town, so it will just be me and David for the evening.  Maybe we will do dinner and a movie.  I have to check to see what is playing near us.

Tomorrow is the 1 year old's birthday party, then the annual camp-out party.  Sunday, Todd is taking the Scouts canoeing.  I would like to go with them, but I do not know that Liv will be home in time.  If not, I will have some of Sunday all to myself.  What kind of shame is that??? 

I have realized that my stall has now been for a whole year.  I guess it is time to admit that this is as far as it is going to go.  I am kind of bummed about it, but what can I do?  I am exercising, and going back to eating balanced meals, adding in a few more "good" calories (I had been trying to super-low carb it again....).  If that doesn't do anything, I will just have to learn to live with it and remember that I am much better off than I was 2 years ago.

Speaking of which.....I just got some pictures of the Stripper 101 class in Vegas.  I will put them on my profile in a few minutes.  I NEVER would have even considered doing such a thing 2 years ago.  Although I do not really "love" the way I look in these pictures, it is still a matter of comparisons.  I'm SURE I could never have even hoisted my bulk onto the pole a couple of years ago.  As a matter of fact, this trip to Vegas was MUCH better than the last one in December of 2005.  I had tons of energy this time and did not even mind walking those sidewalks in the 110 degree heat.  If that is not something to be happy about, what is????

Everyone have a wonderful day!


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