Tuesday Roll Call

on 8/11/08 8:23 pm, edited 8/11/08 9:02 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
Well, good morning to all the IL board members and guests that pop in from time to time.  How are you all today  What is going on in your world today? Not much for me on the home front other than Dave needs to sit around for the new dishwasher to arrive and be installed. I have a couple loads of wash to get in before leaving for work, I will dry them when home. Looks like another chamber of commerce day in the northern part of the state. I GUESS I MISREAD THE WEATHER REPORT ON WEATHER.COM - YUCK MOSTLY CLOUDY TODAY  I just hope the weather holds out through Sunday because Dave and I have tickets for the Bristol Renaissance Faire near Kenosha. Love that place.

Has anyone heard from Lucy, Pam S, Mary, Paula to name a few of our missing MIAs.

 gotta get moving.



Open RNY May 7


Janet Kwiek
on 8/11/08 8:50 pm - IL

Good mornin' IL-I heard from Pam over the week-end-she is fine-completely in charge now at her job and has no time.  Also she is a size 2!!!!!  That's just not right--LOL-just playin'-I am so happy for her.  Now she wants some time so she can strut her stuff.  She hasn't heard from Lucy either-figure they will catch up when they go on their cruise.  I actually got the hubby into the sun 2 days in a row and he didn't turn into a pile of dust.  There is hope!!  I have 17 deals to put into accounting today, so my fingers will be flying!!!!  They are giving away big vehicles-every dealer is drowning in them!!!!  Then my stroll tonight w/Mittens after dinner and that's it.  Everyone have a great day-Big Hugs-Janet K
on 8/11/08 9:04 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
I am wondering if Eddie getting into the sun will help with his feeling low. He might be lacking in vitamin D.


Open RNY May 7


Janet Kwiek
on 8/11/08 9:12 pm - IL
I'm trying anything-he has anti-depressants-he won't take them.  You can't help those who won't help themselves-I am praying a lot over it and make sure he take his vitamins also. He met one of our neighbors last night,  and just yacked away for an hour about gardens and the Cubs and the diffference in his mood was like night and day.  So tonight I think I might need help w/the dog on our stroll-she only weighs 13 lbs., but maybe he won't see through the smoke and mirrors!  I'll check on vitamin D supps too-thanks for the headsup-you are the best my friend-Big Hugs-Janet K
Nancy G.
on 8/11/08 9:26 pm - La Salle, IL
Good Morning Chris an Illinois Friends!

Well yesterday was a good day for me.  I found someone to work in my yard last week and was walking around the back yard with him last week discussing just what needed to go and have discovered that my backyard is a jungle!  I have not been able to get out and do yard work for 2 years as I had a really bad fall and now cannot walk without a cane.  Boy the weeds and volunteer trees have taken over.  I am surprised my helper has not taken off running.    I made a decision to double his pay after seeing just how much work he really is facing.  He is one brave soul.  Too much rain in July did not help at all. 

At least it is getting done and is looking a lot better.  He is doing a little at a time but that is fine with me.   Hopefully next year I will be able to get back out there and keep up with the yard work.  That is my goal, to ditch this cane and be able to walk normally again after I lose my weight.  I sure hope that will happen. 

Hope everyone has a great day.  It sounds like lots of rain for the rest of the week here.  Hope that is not for the whole state.  If so, stay dry. 

    Cat Lady

C. Richardson
on 8/11/08 9:39 pm
Good Morning IL -
Just another day for me.  I'm already looking forward to getting thru this day and back in bed.  I'm sure getting out in the sun did help Eddie.  My vit D level is low and it is really dragging me down.  I'm not depressed but my energy level is rediculously low.
I just started taking a supplement but so far don't feel a change.  It may take awhile to get in the system.
Hope everyone has a great day.
on 8/11/08 9:40 pm - Rock City, IL
Good morning Chris and the rest of my Illinois friends!

I have ALWAYS wanted to go to the Renaissance Faire, but have never made it.  I'll bet it is really cool and the kids would like it too.  I should really look into it.  Have a great time!

After work today, I will pick up the kiddos from the museum, then home to the ribs that I have pre-cooking in the oven.  We will slap them on the grill and have a feast.  I want to stop for some sweet corn on the way home as it is high season and it will be gone before I know it.

Not too much else exciting going on in my world today.

Hope everyone has a splendid day!


Tell someone that you love them!

on 8/11/08 10:30 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
I believe that your family would love the faire especially with both of the kids becoming involved in theater. You can buy your tickets on line through their web site. http://www.renfair.com/bristol/tickets/bizPromo.php Unfortunately there are not too many weekends left for the season as the last will be over Labor Day. I would highly recommend that you wear closed shoes as many of the paths through the faire is dirt, grass or wood chip covered. Go early when they open as there are different shows all day long thoughout, in addition to great food and drink. The old world fun rides (carnival type) are very inventive. Lots of shopping also.


Open RNY May 7


on 8/11/08 10:35 pm - Rock City, IL
Thanks for the info and the link.  I will probably have to wait until next year though.


Tell someone that you love them!

birder I.
on 8/11/08 10:36 pm - Rockford, IL

Hi everyone!

Have a great day! I need to get off to work--couldn't wake up today....could it be the Olympics? Good guess!





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