OT--Need advice

on 7/30/08 5:45 am - Rock City, IL
This is apt to be a bit long, but it is really bothering me, and where else can I vent and get advice?   I seem to remember SOMEONE saying that they know someone on the Illinois State Board of Education.  Was it someone on this board?  I don't know if I need to go to such drastic measures, but besides consulting a lawyer (which I think might make things worse....) I don't know where to go or what to do.  Maybe you all have some advice for me?   I know we live in a very small town, and "outsiders" can have a hard time blending in, but the problems that we have with the Band teacher are only getting worse.  I am at the point where I don't know if I should throw in the towel and just shut up (like everyone else), or keep fighting what seems to be a losing battle.   Let's see if I can make this long story a bit shorter.........   David has been playing percussion since he was old enough to sit up with pots, pans and wooden spoons.  When he was old enough to start band, he wanted to be in percussion.  The Band teacher told him that she had already picked out her percussionists so he would have to choose something else.  He chose the bassoon.  Thus began the battle that has waged for the past 5 years.   This teacher does not really have the ability to teach the bassoon, but instead of just admitting that and allowing David to choose another instrument, she has tried in subtle ways to sabotage him.  For example:  she locks the band room so that he can't get his instrument for practice, then yells at him for not practicing.   About 3 years ago, David was approached by the summer marching band, allowed to play percussion with them and toured to New York City.  It was a life-changing experience for him and a true highlight of his life.  It was such a positive experience for him, that when I was asked to be on the board of the Band Boosters (who are in charge of the summer program) I accepted.   I later found out that this same Band teacher had been fired from the summer program a couple of years earlier for (among other things) mis-appropriation of funds.  This Band teacher has declared "war" on the summer program and has done everything she can think of to ruin it (including threatening to flunk kids that march with them) and it seems to be working.  We have been unable to get enough kids to march for the past two summers.   Once she learned of David and my involvement in the summer program, David had MORE problems in Band.  He stuck it out until this Spring, when it was time to register for this year's classes.  In order to continue in Band, he would have needed this teacher's signature stating that she agreed that he should continue.  When it was time to register, she told David that she did not believe that he needed to return to Band this year.  In the end, she did NOT sign his registration and he chose other electives.   Of course I had a FIT.  I wrote a(nother) letter to the principal and superintendent of the school stating that it was outrageous and unacceptable for her to "kick David out" of Band since it is an elective class that I PAY extra for and again going over all the problems that we have had with this teacher since day one.  I got NO REPLY.   After about 3 weeks with no reply, I sent a copy of this letter to every member of our school board.  Again, no reply.   I have spoken to many parents and they all state how this teacher is "crazy", "always does those kinds of things", "hates you because of the summer program", "everyone knows that she treats some students badly, especially if she has an agenda", etc.....  My question is WHY does she still have a job?  Why doesn't anyone complain?  The answer is that no one wants to "make waves" and they know that it "won't matter".   We just got a letter from the Band teacher telling David how she has worked very hard over the summer to make room for him to play the bass drum this year and how he is expected at Mandatory Band Camp (along with the rest of the band) next Monday. WHAT????????   I called the school and explained that David was "dis-invited" to band at the end of last year and that the band director did NOT sign his registration form allowing him to continue and that he had chosen new electives.  The secretary looked at David's schedule and said that David is scheduled for Band this year!!!!!  HOW can that BE????  He did not have the required signature!  He was told that he was not welcome back to Band!  The secretary said that she doubted very much that the teacher would EVER say anything like that and then put me into the teacher's voice mail so I could ask her myself.  I have sent 3 emails to this teacher (copied to the principal and superintendent as always) in addition to the voice mail.   HERE is what I KNOW happened, but I of course, can NOT prove it: Once they got my angry letter outlining the injustice that we have been dealing with, and they chose not to respond, someone from the school board must have said something.  The Band teacher then told them that "David must have misunderstood, I never said that".  She then found his registration papers and signed them and put him back into Band without his knowledge.  This now makes me look like I am the crazy one.   SOOOOOO.....what do I do?  Do I continue to complain to administrators that do nothing?  Do I take it to the next level, like the State of Illinois School Board?  Do I hire a lawyer?  Do I just drop it and get through the next 6 years with this school?


Tell someone that you love them!

Wendi W.
on 7/30/08 5:59 am - Waukegan, IL
Hmm, I love school districts....major fight with ours regarding our son and the school.  Let's just say that a call to the state department of education is in order to file a complaint and for a possible investigation.  Do you have any paper work, or  the copy of David's class registration prior to being notified regarding band?  You have all the emails. 

It sounds that the school board went and talked with the principal and teacher and explained that this was an issue to be corrected.  They fixed it but did not communicate, which seems to be the norm for any school district.  If David really wants to be in the band let him, but he is to inform you if the teacher starts creating trouble.

Our issue was with IEP and the school failing to do one at the request, and failing to comply with the agreement.  It did take the state and an attorney on their doorstep to get the full understanding we were not dinking around with them.  Let's just say the principal and asst. principal are no longer with the school.  This was just the tip of the iceberg with issues for us as there were issues with bullying, and racial harassment from other students and the school failing to handle the same if it was the reversed.

Good Luck...

on 7/30/08 6:09 am - Rock City, IL
Thanks Wendi!

It helps to know that I am NOT alone.  We fought with them last year also over Special Ed testing and it just seems that EVERYTHING with this school is a fight.

I talked to David and he is "DONE" with band, but what the teacher has now done is schedule him for the whole year.  At this point, the other electives that he wanted are probably not available, nor at the same times.  We have been around the rescheduling block with these people too......as I said, EVERYTHING is a fight.

The one thing I don't have is a copy of his registration paper without her signature because he would have turned in the only copy, and we thought that he was done with Band in the Spring.


Tell someone that you love them!

(deactivated member)
on 7/30/08 6:17 am - Park Forest, IL
Dawn,  I don't have any help to offer in this area, but I could ask my niece who is a jounior high principal in arizona what they would do in a case like this, let me know if You'd like me to do that. But in the meantime I am sending you & your family lots of {{hugs}} Paulette
on 7/30/08 6:32 am - Rock City, IL
Please do.  I need all the help I can get.
It's just crazy how "everyone" knows how this teacher abuses her position, but no one will do anything about it.


Tell someone that you love them!

(deactivated member)
on 7/30/08 11:52 pm - Park Forest, IL
Hi Dawn, I pasted your dilema in an email to my niece for her input. As soon as i hear back form her I'll PM you.  Hugs, Paulette
on 7/31/08 12:01 am - Rock City, IL
Thank you!


Tell someone that you love them!

on 7/30/08 6:18 am - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
Dawn, I am printing this for Dave to read because he was in marching band (trombone) as a kid, has a friend that is a retired orchestra teacher and hasgreat insight into a kid's music program.


Open RNY May 7


on 7/30/08 11:06 pm - Wheeling, IL
i dont have much insight but please keep us posted in the future!  i'm currently going back to college to get my music ed degree and everything that you described just seems so outrageous for any music lover to do to a kid!  i hope it works out positively for you and that this horrible teacher won't ruin your sons love of music!

RNY 8/2002.  lost 180#s. 3 babies and 6 yrs later, relearning and losing again!
SW = 295  CW = 225  GW = 170

Monica G.
on 7/31/08 1:43 am - North Aurora, IL

I say Hell NO you don't drop it.  This teacher has NO right to be teaching..if that's what you want to call it.  David has every right to be in band if he's been doing it that long.  I would take it to the State, yes...that's just me though.  I don't let people bully my kids...me yes, my kids no..lol

Good Luck and keep me updated on this.  Wil you guys be in the Autumn on Parade,in Oregon parade this year again?  I will be there again!!



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