Monday Roll Call
Good Morning Carol and the rest of my IL family!
Look! no one posts a roll call then 2 of you do it at once! LOL
Today is more football, (only til Thursday then Tyler's off until Aug 12) woohoo..
I also will be starting my last class for this semester. It's an English class and I am not worried about it at all, it's one of my favorite subjects. I finished Medical Math last night with a high B! I was so excited! lol
This week is busy with Dr appts for everyone. Wednesday Tyler gets a tetnus shot and Austyn has a pre op physical before his tonsils come out on Friday. Thursday Jacob and I both are going to the eye dr and then Friday is Austyn's surgery. oh well, I wouldn't be a mom if I wasn't running all over right?
Have a wonderful day everyone!!
Well, lets see if I can get you all updated... Saturday, my son left for california for a two week visit with grandma and to go to surfing camp. My dughter returned yesterday from Minneapolis where she went to a wedding. Hubby and I went to the brewers game yesterday and had fun. Today is my last day of class for two weeks, so hopefully i can get some packing done so we can move soon. I am almost back to my old self following gall bladder surgery. I go for a follow up with Karen tomorrow and I only have two incision spots that are giving me a hassle. I stepped on the scale this morning and almost fell over when it read 172 lbs, that is 80 lbs lost in 7 months.
So, today it is work, and then home to finish up class work, and hopefully get some things done.
New week, I hope to lose more, but as always, gotta take it one day at a time. But, I can tell ya, it is so great to be able to fit into some of my clothes again!

" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon
Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!
I'm pretty new here. I'm Lori and I'm in Mount Zion, IL. I just finished my 6 month diet with a dr. I'm a bit bummed b/c I didn't lose weight this month and actually gained. sigh. It stinks to travel in the summer and not eat at home. I didn't make such great choices.
I also got into a car wreck today..nice! It was me who bumped into the car ahead of me, got my new car stuck on a trailer hitch and ripped thefront off. Got a ticket and about $2300 worth of damage. Lovely start to Monday.