OT: Need advise please
Okay....a few days ago I said that I needed advise, but I would post later. Here is my problem.
I have been babysitting for 3 kids for 2 years and make $75 a day doing that. I work 4 days a week. I feed the kids and drive them to all thier activities. I am getting sort of burnt out doing this. My first priority is Maddie and then this year I am the PTO president at her school which will take alot of my time. I handed in an application at the park district this morning and have thought about working at Maddies school or the school district. I just feel I am worth more that $8 a hour. But on the other hand money is not everything. I have even been throwing around the idea of me just staying at home and being the home maker??? I have been on Ryan the last 3 months for us to do a budget and see what kind of job I should get or if I should just stay home. I am totaly lost and hung up on this!!!! I was wondering what your input is??? Well, off to the pool w/ Maddie to spend some time w/ her:)
How much would you need to make to qualify taking a job?
You are working- child care is work. You say you are making $75 a day, by my calculations, that is $300 a week. That isn't nothing.
Me, I would stay home and continue to do what you are doing. Why change a forula that seems to be working for you.
I guess you need to figure out your budget, then figure out what you would pay for day care. That will tell you what you would need to make per hour/salary to make it worth it.
I CAN understand getting a bit "burnt out" with babysitting.....but, if it is something that you do well, and your day care parents trust and rely on you, maybe it is working!!!!
Maybe you could shake things up a bit by trying new projects with them or field trips......
Lisa and Dawn,
Thanks for the feedback! Today at the pool, I sat down and wrote out all the pro's and con's of the different jobs. I will have to think about the situation some more and hopefully talk to Ryan tonight about the budget. Okay the more I thought about it...... who is going to watch Maddie while I am working at the park district on the weekend or when she got off the bus? And what about the summers?? I have just talked myself out of that job. Then if I worked at the school, I would miss all her school stuff. Like helping out in the classroom and being room mom. Those are things that I WILL NOT give up. So, this babysitting thing is sounding a bit better and better. Maybe it's just been a long summer and school will start soon and I will only have the two boys.
Thanks for the input...see that's why I love this board!
Hey Sweets -
I don't no many jobs you can go to the pool and get paid.. LOL I'm sure it does get to you but it sounds like a good gig to me. It provides the flexability you need with Maddie. Like Dawn said, maybe plan some activities or crafts with them.
Hang in there. You need to follow your heart. If you need to feel more worthy, by all means go get that job to fulfill that. Only you can make the decision.