Monday Roll Call
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Good afternoon,
I am babysitting today and cleaning the house. We were very successful at the garage sale. Maddie made enough money to buy her nintedo ds and we had enought money left over to buy 2 games for it and all her school supplies. I am going to run today after the kids leave and then get ready to go to the rockford support group. Better get going....I have to feed the baby.
I need some advise, but I will post later!
HI all,
Here I am again posting after it is already tomorrow. One of these days I might get it on the actual day!
Today I went to see Dr.Wallace for my pre surgical visit and got my surgery date!!! AUGUST 11TH IS THE MAGIC DAY!!
I tried to talk him into sooner, but since I had the gallbladder surgery on July 3rd he wants to wait the 6 weeks. He had trouble with one of the incisions when he put the instrument in, it knicked a blood vessel and it had to be repaired, so I have a little soreness there and some puckering of the skin. He doesn't want to have to push through the hematoma too soon.
I am glad he is so cautious, I like that in a surgeon. The common sense in me is happy, the impatient, one hour photo girl, is going crazy!
I have waited this long, what is a little while longer? I have the rest of my life to live now and I so look forward to living it!
I also saw the cardiologist and he looked at my EKG from July 4th that was supposedly abnormal, and he said it was perfectly normal. He will clear me for surgery. He listened to my heart and said he heard a murmur and it is probably just that my heart has to work extra hard becasue of my weight to fill and that is causing a flow murmur. He wants me to get an echocardiogram. No big deal after all the tests I have had this one is benign. It doesn't involve needles, or drinking of any kind of disgusting chalky substance or injections of contrast, so bring it on!
I go tomorrow to ABMC for my pre op blood work and info session. They are going to try to fit in the echo if they can. Otherwise I will get it next week.
So now the countdown begins!!!!
Happy Monday!