Hi everyone.How are all of you doing?Well I feel absolutely GREAT 11 days out.I have lost 15 pounds since surgery.I was up walking the halls 20

minutes after surgery trying to get rid of the gas & air they pumped into me.The only pain I was in was from the gas & air.I finaly got home after doing recoup time at my parents since surgery.She was afraid to bring me home today.She`s afraid with no supervision I will eat too much,too fast,or eat what I`m not suppose to and end up in the ER.I have assured her that I will be careful.I am not about to do anything to undo what I have got going.I am doing axactly as my Dr.has told me to do.And my Dr.is terrific! She told me not to be afraid to try stuff.That I`m not going to know if I can handle it if I don`t try it.Even stuff with sugar.But just take it slow & be careful.I did clear liquids from days 1-4,full liquids were suppose to be days 5-7 but on day 5 or 6 I had a melt

down.My stomach was sooo sick of being on liquids 3 weeks before surgery.It was like It stopped dead in it`s tracts & said Not another liquid is coming down here till I get FOOD!!! I was sick to my stomach,could not even think about drinking a drop of anything without gaging to the point of almost

throwing up.I got realy tired & depressed & just went to bed.I guess I slept a longggg time & everyone got worried so they woke me up & mom fixed me some mashed potatoes.She was afraid to let me have them but she watched me like a hawk while I was eating them.Her,my dad,my aunt,my husband & my brother.
OMG that was the best tasting mashed potaoes I ever ate! I started pepping up,after everyone elses supper & my potatoes I felt so much better.No problems,I felt good.So I went ahead & started on soft foods for a couple days & then the blended diet.I was fine after that & now I am eating foods normaly without purreeing them.& I have no teeth! Now I know a lot of you are probably

horified with fear at this,but my Dr.said try.I have had ABSOLUTELY no problems whatsoever.I make sure I get as much liquids in as I can,make sure I chew my food into mush before swallowing,wait 30 mins.before & after meals.I`m not eating everything yet,I`m taking that part slowly,but as long as my body is getting some type of regular food I don`t have any melt downs.I did test my limits once on purpose though just so I would know where & when to stop.I feel absolutely great.I have been losing an average of 1-2 pounds(mostly 2)pr day.I was 295 before surgery,302 -3 days after,today I weighed in at 287.I am feeling great!I am actualu Hyper & excited about our move to Florida in October.And I am feeling hyper!I`ve never been hyper a day in my life!!! Oh & the best part of all?I also tested myself on the cigarette part.Seeing how I was still soooo wanting them before surgery.A few days ago I tried one because I hadn`t craved one since surgery & I was curious.It was the NASTIEST thing I ever tasted! Who knew

it would take weight loss surgery to kick my cigareete craving for good! So now I am free of wanting them

Everyones system is different & they work different.Mine is just working excellent for me.I love my new tool.