Sunday Roll Call
Well, I should be going home today. This gall bladder surgery hurt worse than my RNY. I feel like someone is sitting on my chest. I am wanting this to go away.
So, as you can see not much on my plate other than going home, finishing up homework, and getting ready to go to work tomorrow. Yes, you did read right....I have to go to back to work tomorrow as we are in the middle of quarter close and I have so much to do...
So what is going on with everyone....stop and let me know.
I am just going to sit back and enjoy the rain. It sounded nice this morning to hear the steady fall of the rain! I don't normally get up this early but I just wanted to see the rain! It is a bit cooler today with the rain too!
Went to see the new Batman movie yesterday late afernoon after my dr appointment and it was not bad! Doc said the arm will heal up but would be sore for a couple weeks! Nothing major wrong with it but a very bad deep tissue bruise! I will be more careful when I do anything around the house again! I hate not being able to do whtever I want and some of my exercises are set back. I can not even ride my bike! That really sucks! So I am walking more with hopes that it helps keep the weight off...
Oh well enough got things to do!! I have to get hubby back on the road. Had a great 3 days with him after not seeing him for 6 weeks!
Have a great day!!!!
My son is just about moved out and into his own place. It looks like a completely different place now. He put in a lot of effort and it shows. I'm so proud of him.
Not much going on today..I really need to relax...I think I'm going to Kohl's........but tomorrow I get to meet Paulette and I'm looking forward to that!
Wendi, since you have to go back to work tomorrow I hope you'll be able to sit at your desk more than move around.
Hope everyone has a great day!
I don't have much going on today, finishing some laundry, taking my book out to the pool and relaxing before I start this week of babysitting. I am also redoing my kitchen, and it is a big job. We haven't done anything to it since we bought it from my mom, and let's just say she was into dark brown. UGH!
I know it is a few months away, but I am getting so nervous about surgery in October, I have already chewed my nails down to j/k
Good morning everyone!
Kay and I sat out in the garden and drank our coffee this morning. We don't often sit still like that and it was fun. We don't have any significant plans today, just the usual clean up and get ready for the week. I have bills to pay and calls to make, that sort of boring stuff.
Looking forward to seeing some of you tomorrow at support group!
Good Morning Wendi and my IL family, For me today just cleanning and moving thing around the house, Yesterday we went to the Rock City days at Dawn's house she open up her house to anyone that wanted to come we had a great time, Thank you Dawn
Sorry to hear Wendi that you have to go back to work so soon, do take it easy and try to get some rest.
Hope everyone has a great day
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
on 7/20/08 2:02 am - Park Forest, IL
Wendi glad to hear you are recovering from your surgery, enough to go back to work. I too had chest pain after my gallbladder surgery but it went away within a few days. I had more trouble with the incision in my belly button, had to have it cauterized twice because it didn't want to heal and close up.
Karen sorry to hear about your arm, glad it isn't broken although sometimes those sprains and bruises take just as long to heal and feel better. Hope yours starts to feel beter soon.
Hi Carla, can't wait to see you next Sunday and get our road trip on the road!!
Carol, I'll be seeing you tomorrow morning, I have to warn you I'm quite a motor mouth...LOL!!
Dee., I hope your depression lifts, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Connie, wish I could have joined you & Kay in the garden for coffee, sounds like a wonderful place. We were still getting some showers this am after a monster storm went through during the night. Our back yard is saturated and now it is just downright muggy out there...
We took Earl's sister to the airport this morning and after much turned out her visit went very well. Earl's mom was having a very good day on Friday, she knew right away who we all were and they even had an ice cream social at the nursing home while we were there. Ice cream is one of his mom's favorite things so that was real nice, even though I too had a scoop of vanilla ie cream, but I still managed to stay within my calories and carbs for the day...I just adjusted at dinner time.
Well I hope you all have a great day, Hugs, paulette
Wendi, glad you are getting out of the hospital but am sorry you have to go back to work. That is going to be hard. Just be careful you dont overdo it.
I am planning a quiet day today. I have been catching up on the boards after sleeping in this morning. Later I am going to catch up on my newspapers. Weekends always seem like catch up time.

Tomorrow it is back to work. I ended up missing Thursday and Friday compliments of a stomach virus. Not fun, but it broke my month long stall! That makes me happy.
Hope everyone has a great week.
Cat Lady
Well, we got home from St Louis a few min. ago, and got everything put away.
The W/E was awesome. We went to the new casino in
st. Louis on Friday afternoon. I was lucky enough to come out of there even, plus enough to pay for the lunch we had had prior. Later that evening we met a grade school friend of mine for dinner. I had 4 babyback ribs (appetizer size serving) with a sweet potatoe. DH ate the onion straws they were served on. Then, my arm got twisted, and I had to have an ice cream soda, strawberry. Thank goodness the ice cream stand is in Caseyville, 200 miles away.
Yesterday, after going to a fresh fruit market (Sulard Market). It is a big open air market that streaches for 2 city blocks, under 2 roofs. Then we headed for the Gateway Race Track for thier Il. Mo.
Dodge dealler 250. For those that follow racing, Carl Edwards won.
Today we took our DGD up in the Arch. I hadn't been up in it for years.
so. tomorrow is back to work.
Wendi, I hope you are feeling better, Karen too. I hope all that made it to Dawns yesterday enjoyed themselfs.