Update on the arm and a WoW moment
Now to share my WOW moment from tonight! I was having dinner with my brother, he said he was thinking about Lap-band...I looked at him in shock he is so afraid of all the maybes in life that I did not believe my ears...He said he mentioned it today to his boss, and she said she reakky did not know much about it he then told me he told her his Sister has it and he held his hand out about 3 feet and said my sister use to be this wide now shes about this wide he shrunk it about 2 feet.... I felt proud...So I am praying he does it he is just scared about giving up soda! Not the food its his soda! I told him to start giving it up slowly 1 day at a time and I also told him to check with his insuranse to see whats required and see his ppc and start the 6 mo diet so ita documented...Ok this one handed typing is tiring so Bye for now just wanted to share!
That was a great WOW moment! hooorrraaayyy!
Now for the shoulder, do you have to wait til next week? If your shoulder is dislocated and you are in pain, can't someone see you sooner? Or can you go back to the ER? Was it the ER that called you or your primary care? It seems cruel to make you wait til next week if it is a true dislocation. I hope someone helps you sooner than next week! Always remember YOU are your own best patient advocate. I am a nurse and have to advocate for myself all the time. Sometimes I am appalled by my own profession. I am all about getting people the right care in an appropriate amount of time.
Best of luck to you!
That is a wow moment with your brother, I wish my son would think about the band or Rny too, he is so young and so so MO. that he is having a hard time working and doing just everyday thing.
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
My arm is going to be fine! Its very bruised tissue up in the shoulder area! So I guess thats why I still can not raise the arm up...I will be as good as new in a couple weeks. Thanks for all your thought its appreciated! I just hope the pool doesn't need vacuumed for a few days! My dear hubby did it today while he was in it. He isn't home much then I put him to work! But since it was hot out he did not mind getting in to do it for me!