Rant ! You are not going to believe this.....

Wendi W.
on 7/17/08 1:21 pm - Waukegan, IL
Well, I went and saw Dr. Kane Jr. today for my 6 month check up. He is really happy with the weight loss, and says I am on track.  That was the good news.

Now for the "I can not believe this".  As most of you are aware, I was in the hospital for 1 week in June and underwent many tests because they thought my gall bladder was acting up.  Well, all the tests kept coming back normal.  Well because Dr. Kane was out of town, Dr. Rantis was the one who took care of me.  Well, I explained what happened to Dr. Kane and how the nuclear tests recreated the pain to where I was in tears and so nauseated.  I told him that Dr. Rantis was being conservative, and since the tests came back fine that he was not going to do the surgery.  Dr. Kane said that if he would have been in town, he would have taken my gall bladder out with that information.....so, now I am being scheduled to have my gall bladder removed on August 8th.  Yes, I still have pain on occasion, but I try and ignore it most of the time.  If it gets irritating, then I take some tylenol and tums to dull the pain and get rid of the nausea.   So needless to say I wanted to give Dr. Rantis a piece of my mind.  This could have been done and over with.

Oh, and we are in the process of moving into a larger apartment.  It is in the same building we live in now, just one floor down.  This should happen the end of July and the beginning of August.

Now, I get to work and inform my boss, and lets just say she was not real thrilled with the news.  You see, starting in August, we have to major IT projects going on-line as we will not be able to do it during the 4th quarter (year end).  So some of the work that I usually assist people with, will be my responsibility during this time.  So, that mean that I may need to work the weekend sometimes.  Then the network printers kept going down so I spent my day continously calling IT to have them reset the server as we needed to print off reports to close the quarter.  My lunch did not sit well in the pouch and neither did dinner.

Let's just say that where I work, we keep all sharp instruments away from the accountants.

birder I.
on 7/17/08 1:47 pm - Rockford, IL

Wow Wendi! you deserve to rant! What a raw deal and tons of pain for nothing! I'd be furious too. Well, take care of yourself and know that by fall things will all be much smoother!





Karen R.
on 7/17/08 2:31 pm
Wendi I THINK i WOULD BE RANTING TOO!  You poor thing I don't understand some docs theese days your in pain if they have even a slight thought it was your gallbladder they should have removed it...Good luck on the move the job front and the surgery!!!







on 7/17/08 3:26 pm - Mt Prospect, IL

I just went thru the same thing kind of with my gallbladder.  Only I am pre bypass.  I was having pain for 3 weeks with chest pressure so my PCP did a GB ultrasound and a HIDA scan.  While I was waiting for those results the pain increased, and I went to see my PCP and he ended up calling the paramedics and admitting me to Lutheran General, for a full CARDIAC work up.  I kept mentioning what about the gallbladder tests? I think it is that, not my heart.  Well after the million dollar cardiac work up and 3 days in the hospital, I was discharged, I asked as I was getting my discharge instructions, great, im glad my heart is ok, but I still have this right sided pain and chest pressure.  The nurse said, that the dr. said to discharge me and follow up in 2 weeks.  For God's sake, 2 weeks more with all this pain and pressure?  That was a wed.  On thursday i went to his office to pick up my records to send into insurance for my appeal for surgery, and on the top of thepile were my HIDA scan results!!   Normal function is over 35%, mine was 1% (one).  Was that a problem?  I thought so.  I was furious and ened up seeing one of the partners, as my pcp was off that day.  He told me I needed my gallbladder out and that is what is probably causing my pain and chest pressure.  YA THINK?  I told him that I told his other partner this when I was in the hospital, and that I had outstanding HIDA scan results and could he get the results?  He totally blew me off and did not obtain the results.  I could have had a surgical consult while I was in for the cardiac work up and had my gallbladder out then.

I took my records and brought them over to the Kane center and decided to call Dr. Wallace and ask his advice.  Why I did not think of that sooner I dont know.  He saw me in the office and decided that it needed to come out.  Because I was so close to having my bypass approved he spent alot of the week trying to get my insurance company to let him do the bypass and the gallbladder removal at the same time. and of course, they said NO.  She will have to have 2 separate surgeries unless she can wait for the appeal to go through the normal process.  He tried to explain that it would end up costing them MORE money for 2 surgeries. but they did not care.
So I went in on Thurs July 3rd for laproscopic surgery and ended up staying 2 nights, and went home on Saturday.  The original plan was one night, but I did not feel well on Friday morning when Dr. Kane came in, so he said I could stay one more night to make sure I was ok.  I was still needing oxygen and in pain, so Thank God, I got to stay.
Of course you know my bypass surgery was approved yesterday, and now I wish I waited for the gb surgery, because now the bypass has to be put off so I can heal from the gallbladder.  UGH!!! How I HATE insurance companies, as everyone here probably does.

I wish you luck with your surgery, where are you having it done?  Did they say outpatient or can you stay one or so nights? 

I thought I read Aug 8th for your date, maybe we will be in at the same time and can visit.  I will get a date on Monday, so I will let you know.  If you are going to ABMC.

I have rambled on way too long, so I will say goodnight, and best of luck!


Lisa Tucker
on 7/17/08 8:57 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Hi Wendi,  Why the doctors think we do not know our bodies, is beyond me. Even if your boss doesn't like it, there is nothing she can do. She can't tell you to wait on a surgery,

Our system was having having probles yesterday too. I was fine until about 2, then got slower and alower. I think we were having troble for about 1 hour, then it was fine again.

At least your moveing will not  be expensive. Enjoy your new apartment, and post some pictures on line.



Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Janet H.
on 7/17/08 9:33 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
Wendy you go a head and rant . with what you are going through, I hope things start to go better for you after this surgery is done and over with.

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



on 7/17/08 10:24 pm - Rock City, IL

This is the perfect place to "let it out"---no sharp instruments required!

I hope today is a much better day for you and in a couple of months, this will all be a memory....



Tell someone that you love them!

on 7/17/08 11:36 pm - Orland Park, IL
Oh my God Wendi! Everything will work out for you.
I will say extra prayers too for a quick recovery from surgery, a smooth and easy move and that your IT project goes smoothly. Sometimes I really hate the arrogance of some doctors...We do know what we are talking about.

on 7/23/08 2:40 am - Palmyra, WI
Hi Wendi,

I live just over the border and wanted to see how some of the Illinois folks are doing.

My name is Sylvia and I was born and raised in the Chicago-Mt. Prospect-Lake Zurich areas.  I moved away in 1973 and have lived in Wisconsin ever since. I am married and have been for 32 years and have a 22 year old daughter.

 I noticed that you have Dr. Kane, Jr.  Is that his son?  The reason I ask is my mother had Dr. Kane do her stomach stapling back in 1984 and she had kept the majority of her weight off since but her pouch has always been too small.  She is now 76 and isn't going to do anything about it but I was curious to see if Kane was still around.  I think he was in Arlington Heights at the time.

I am in Finance at work also (Payroll).  I am 2 weeks out today and I was going to go back 2 days ago (my surgeon's nurse's logic prevailed and I didn't).  My boss wasn't too pleased either but I had a backup who royally almost screwed things up.  I was on the phone with them for 3 hours yesterday.  Oh well, everyone will get paid.  I will adopt that logic about keeping sharp instruments away from my boss also. 

My boss was not the most understanding person about this either.  I did not tell her the type of surgery I was having (too many judgments) but I did tell the 2 people I manage.  They were like, ok.  I am getting tired of being the "big" person on the managerial team and I don't feel that I get any respect because of my weight.  My boss isn't morbidly obese but she is overweight.  I'm at the point that I want to try to make it until the end of the year and then maybe look for another job where people may not know me at my highest weight and I can start over but that is a task at the age of 53.  No card, no flowers, nothing.  There was another person in our office who got a very aggressive form of leukemia and was literally weeks away from death but the only concern on their minds was month end.  I don't get it--I think it has to happen to them.

I have been having pain in my left side right by the rib cage.  I haven't lately -- maybe just gas.  I will let my surgeon know about it in my appt tomorrow and I did let the nurse know. 

I'm glad you are on track with all of the things happening to you; however, your boss is concerned only about one thing- finance.  My boss and yours should get together--they both sound alike.  You have to take care of yourself because noone will do it for you except you.  As you can see from your boss' reaction, she (my boss is female also) only cares about one thing and it isn't your welfare.  You can be available by phone except when you are under. 

Let me know how you are doing.

Wendi W.
on 7/23/08 3:23 am - Waukegan, IL
Hey Sylvia,
My dr. is the son to Dr. Kane, and he is wonderful.  Dr. Kane Sr. retired a few years ago, but they are still in Arlington Hgts.  I am just wanting to give this other surgeon a piece of my mind, because this could have been done back in June.

I ended up having gall bladder surgery this past friday and was back to work on Monday.  While my boss does care on what goes on, it is me that is more anal retentive and wanting to make sure I do not let the team down. We have several IT conversions going on, and on top of it quarterly close.   It is always hard to time things while in this profession.

I have been extremely lucky and that I have receieved support from everyone I work with. You will find that after surgery a fresh start is what you will need to make it complete feeling of satisfaction.

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