What is everyone eating today?
Hi everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your day and staying "cool" It's a HOT one out there! I was wonderfing what everyone was eating today. Sometimes I feel like either I am not eating enough or eating to much.
B- 3 oz eggs (mushrooms, chives, cheese), 2 small slices of bacon & 3/4 banana
L- 3 oz. of bourben chicken (mall food with the kids)
S- 3 mini crab cakes (from www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.com) & sf peach cup with 2 tsp sf cool whip
D- not sure yet (protein + veggie)
S- sf popsicle or fruit
*I hope this does not sound like a stupid question, but does this seem like a lot of food to eat 4 months out? Lately I have been feeling hungry more often. I know our bodies are adjusting to our new life style, but at times I dont know if I am eating enough or eating to much. I am still learning. The doctor told me 1-2 cups of food per meal, but doesn't that seem like a lot? I am afraid to eat to much becasue I NEVER want to go back to 322 lbs!!!! UGH....
Have a great day and thanks for sharring your meals with me!
Take care-
B - Atkins protien bar 5:30 am
6-7 gym logged 2.88 miles on the treadmill of which 1.3 miles was jogging
S - Advantedge protein shake 8am
L - 2 oz ham lunch meat
String cheese
Kosher Pickle
S - 4oz 2% cottage cheese (right now I am sitting with approximately 233 net calories)
D- Spaghetti Squash with bocoli and grilled shrimp
S - eith SF rice pudding, watermelon, or SF italian ice
Pre Breakfast: Coffee, coffee, and more coffee
Breakfast: Protein Shake
Lunch: Achiev One
Snack: 2 small piece of watermelon, and 1/2 cup of cantaloupe
Dinner: 1/4 of the largest chef salad I have ever seen. I have enough left for 4 more dinners...lol
Snack: Probably another protein shake
pre breakfast 22 grams
protien drink made with 6 oz milk
breakfast 1/2 pack oatmeal 1 sm. plum
s protien drink 22 grams
Lunch 1/2 bag popcorn 1/2 cup no sugar added ice cream
s raw veggie with dil dip
dinner 1/2 slice of pizza
about 5 or 6 cheese balls
that was yesterday
no so far.
pre breakfast protien with milk
breakfast 1/2 pack oatmeal and 1 small plum
Lunch maybe baked tater from wendys
Dinner is going to be chicken helper.
I to think I don't eat right. I guess bad habits are hard to break

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
janet, you have really some a long way and your weight loss is amazing!! You are SO right about bad habits are hard to break!
Hope you are having a good day!
B. Cream of wheat sprinkled with granola
S. 1 Wasa cracker with pb2
l. 4 oz of meat loaf with spagetti sauce on top, 1/4 cup mash potatoes
D. not sure yet, but leaning to grilled hamburgers and veggies (no bun)
S Protein ice cream or a skinny cow bar.
Lots of water and crystal lite.
B - slice of toast and oatmeal
L - turkey breast 4oz
S - wedge of watermelon
D - Hot Dog (( love hot dogs) no bun though
S - Sugar free popsicile.
I am only eating a cup of food per meal or less. I wonder if I am not eating enough food. My second appointment to see Dr. Kane will be 7/28. I will ask then exactly how much I should be eating. I had the surgery on 5/27 no fill yet but not hungry in between meals.