Wednesday Roll Call
Hope everyone has a good day,
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
I am working today and glad to report that I got up at 3:45 for a date with my exercise bike. I have been slacking a bit since my trip to New Orleans when I broke my toe on the train. It was kind of uncomfortable to exercise, and I was also kind of experimenting to see what a break would do to my famous stall. I started back with the bike last week, so let's see if THAT fools my body........
I am looking forward to Saturday and seeing those of you that can make it out my way. It really is a fun-packed day, from 6:30 am to 2 am on Sunday. Something for everyone, that's for sure.
Even if I am busy with something downtown, you are all free to gather at my house......David calls it "home base" for the festival.
Not too much else exciting going on here.......
Everyone have a lovely day and stay comfortable!
on 7/15/08 11:58 pm - Park Forest, IL
Welcome back Dee!!!! glad your back is better...I can surley understand. I have an unstable fracture at L5- S1 and 2 bad disks, that I need to have surgery on but not until I can lose some weight.
Paul sounds like you won;t have too much fun today playing hooky since you are doing pool maintenance and repair. unless you can get a swim in afterwards.
Jill and Janet enjoy the day! Me I have some last minute stuff to do taday to get ready for my company. so a quick look at the boards and then I'm off....Hugs Paulette
I've been up since 6:30 but have not had time to get on the computer. They are sealcoating the parking lot today and I've been running around trying to get the residents to move their cars. No one seems to pay attention to the notices that are posted.
Today I'm going to the gym...laundry...and going crazy...sounds like a typical day for me.
Karey's husband had lapband surgery yesterday and is doing well. Welcome to the "Band"wagon Mike! Hope you have a quick recovery.
Welcome back Dee...hope your back gets better quickly...chasing 3 toddlers will really help with the weight loss. Having 2 of my grandkids (3 1/2 and 2) are a handful. When they are all together (another 3 and a 1) I go crazy...but they are soo much fun. I wouldn't have it any other way!
I hope everyone has the most awesome day ever!
I am off today to get my daughters yard mowed while she and her hubby are at work! Hes a little to large to be out in this heat and she has to work today until dark. The city of Peoria does not like tall grass, so I will help them out! Its not a real large yard so it should only take 1 hr.
Then going to have a weenie roast with the 2 grandsons.
I got most of the important gardens weeded the pool almost ungreen so when I get home I will finish the pool! We need it since its hot!
Well have a great day and stay cool!
I am SO not going to complain about the heat after the winter we just had. BUT...I ventured out at like 7ish last night, the sun was starting to go down, to take the dogs for a stroll around the municipal bldg. grounds in Schaumburg, and MAN!!!!! It' was still above 80° and the humidity was ridiculous. But we did it and so did a bunch of other people in the neighborhood.
Today looks to be the same so we'll just do the after work short walk.
I just lost my lunch...ate too fast...cubed chicken breast. I told my co-worker who had gastric bypass years ago, over e-mail, and he said "Way to go". lol. I needed a laugh. Things have been kind of tense in the office. Which is why...well you know.
Getting a haircut tomorrow, I so badly need a trim but also want to grow it out more. Maybe do a couple highlights to break up the color, right now it's a solid medium brown. Trying to cut corners with stuff like salon appts...
Well my lunchtime is over here @ work, so gotta go!
Have a great day everybody!
" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon
Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!
Hi all! Day 3 of roll call and very good news to report!
I got my approval today for my bypass surgery!!!!!
I can't believe it after all the insurance company made me go thru with having my gallbladder out before the bypass, and now having 2 separate surgeries, but in the end all that matters to me is IM APPROVED!!!
Just waiting now for the scheduler at the Kane center to call me back with a date and off we go!!
Today is a VERY GOOD day!!!
Tomorrow will start the nervousness, but for Today.........hip hip hooraaayyy!!