Tuesday Roll Call
Good Morning!
Here it is my second morning for roll call. Today I woke up and did not feel any "pain", just a little soreness. HURRAY! I am finally healing! I can't wait to be back to 100% just so I can have my bypass surgery! and do it all over again! I would go tomorrow if they called and said the ins approval was in.
Today I am going to try to have half a "normal" day, going to meet my highschool girlfriends for lunch and then go to my son's camp for an afternoon meeting. Then bring him home and pick up my daughter at the sitters and have dinner and put them to bed for the first time in weeks! My husband has a meeting tonite so I am on my own. I think I will make it. I might be in bed tonite at the same time as them, but if I make it thru the day, Im on my way!!!!
I hope everyone has a good day and pray for the insurance gods to smile down upon me and my paperwork for a quick approval!
Paul, my parents live on an 11 acre farm out in Oregon IL and every year they rent out their pasture to a guy who brings anywhere from 5-12 cows...and bulls. they are NOT high maintanance at all...they eat the grass and my dad only has to make sure they have water in their giant tub....otherwise, that's it. lol
I'll take pictures for you next time I go out there!
on 7/15/08 2:20 am - Park Forest, IL
Good morning everyone.............well technically it is still morning. I find I am having a harder time getting on here the first thing in the am..so much to do so little time. It is tough being retired!! LOL!!!Today I am puting all the new to me clothes away, can;t wait to start wearing them, of course in the process I'm getting out all the too big things. such a chore. ..NOT!!! then finish cleaning the rest of the house. It is getting hot and humid so I just closed up the house and put the a/c on. the last 2 days I didn't get all my water in and of course I feel it today, my hands & feet are puffy. why is it that the more water we drink the less we hold?...doesn't make sense. Have a great day everyone! Paulette
Good Afternoon Illinois!
I have some more weeding today and I am so stiff from yesterdays weeding. I started weeding at 11 am stopped at 6 pm. I am so sore, but I have two more flower beds to do. I mean huge ones too. It really looks nice what has been done. I don't have to weed my veggie garden though because I made raised beds this yr. They ar 3ft by 6ft... and the way I have it done its really at a min. on the weeds. I have tom, cabbage, greenbeans, okra and cucumbers. I have 2 of these beds. Next yr I am putting in a strwberry bed. I also have raspberries, blackberries and apples. Hey Paul all I need is a cow and chickens....I do live in the country but animale life is way to much work! So I will go to Walmart for my cow and chicken! LOL....
I need to also ride my bike today but I think that will come late so the sun isn't as hot! At least there is always a breeze here so the heat isn't as bad.
Does anyone have a way to keep the pool from turning green in 2 days if you don't have time to vacuume everyday!
I have been trying to post all day and OH was not cooperating.
Paul, glad to see that your weight loss has started up again, it is a great feeling!
I am working hard today, so I don't have much time anymore, but I wanted to stop in and sy, "hi!" to you all and let you know that I am thinking of you!
My house is unusually quite with Liv gone, and will be even more so after Sunday when Todd and David will be gone. Liv will be home on Friday, then they leave on Sunday, right after the "big" festival! We grilled on Saturday, so I have lots of left-overs for dinner, which makes it nice in theheat.
Isn't it funny that not very long ago, most of us were complaining about how COLD we were?????