anyone up this late besides me?
I'm having kind of a rough spell, which I know I will get over, but it is still bumming me out a bit. I'll spare you the long details, and just say that I am battling an ulcer and have gone off and on eating and not being able to eat, to the point of ending up back in the hospital for dehydration and just general yuckyness. I have been taking all of my ulcer meds religiously, and eased back into food again slowly, and I was doing fine until today...I'm back to the nauseated/full feeling and I am just so discouraged...I have no regrets, I have a wonderful surgeon, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat...I'm just facing going to work tomorrow knowing that I can't eat again because this ulcer will not heal, and I'm having a pity party about it. I don't even want to admit to my hubby that I am sick right now because he worries about me so much, and even though I know it's wrong, I just don't want to tell him. I can't sleep because I feel like crap, I took a Zofran, but it usually doesn't help. Sorry for the downer post, I really am a very upbeat, positive person, but all this is just getting me at the moment. Thanks for letting me rant :)
Hey Jules -
I'm sorry to hear your sturggling with your health. Personally, I think you need to tell your hubby. You need the support from him and he needs to know that your not feeling well and why. Your surgeon needs to know too if you want to get well and the problems it's causing.
I really hope you get well quickly, I've never had an ulcer but I know it can be painful and disrupt your life.
Hang in there,