Sunday Roll Call

Karen R.
on 7/13/08 3:08 am

I have been "weeding" too I have a good size box that I am taking to the goodwill! I will take them in here in about 1 month. I still have the upstairs closet to go through.



Karen R.
on 7/13/08 3:26 am

Good afternoon to all! I am going to my moms today to mow her yard. I have 5 siblings and I think I am the only one who she calls when she needs something done. I do live the closest but I try to get things done around my house, do my shopping and what ever I need to do on the weekends because I babysit M-F for my daughters and I tend to let the house slide some so they can play. I do not have a fence around the yard so with them been 5 and 6 and then the baby of 19 mo I stay out with them so my house gets forgotten through the week.

My mom complains she is lonely or board all the time then says what am I to do pull weeds all the time then itch...Yesterday I finally told her she needs to start cleaning that house she has stuff piled in every corner like a pakrat. I can not stand to go over there because she has these 2 dogs that barks from the time you get there till you leave. Its crazy. I love her and I am over there 3 to 4 times weekly but now she wants to come live with me....I swear I will move away she complains way too much she just needs to learn to live she has  car but she saves her money and wants me to do everything... I am at my wits end...Sorry I did not mean to ramble on or complain because I sound like her SORRY! I do feel better though  LOL!!!!!!!!!








Nancy G.
on 7/13/08 3:40 am - La Salle, IL


The older the mom gets, the more difficult they get... or at least that is my theory. I swear my mom lived her life through her kids and expected us to have an exciting life. If we did not do anything exciting through the week she was terribly disappointed. I was like "Sorry mom, but on weekends, laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping all have to be done" No, it is not exciting, but it is a fact of life.

It is so hard to raise a parent. Just try to enjoy your mom. One day she will be gone and you will miss talking to her. Mine died last October. While I dont miss the complaining, I do miss our chats.

    Cat Lady

Karen R.
on 7/13/08 3:51 am

Oh I do understand that. I love her so much but some days I just feel so pulled in many direction! I lost my real dad when I was 17 the this past Sept I lost my stepdad of 30 yrs. I so miss our little games of scrabble, talking or just sitting around having fun. So My mom is going through her loss still but if my sibs would share this it would make my life easier!

Thanks Nacey for understanding!








Mary H.
on 7/13/08 11:11 pm, edited 7/13/08 11:12 pm - Chicagoland, IL

My mom passed away in 1997 from pancreatic cancer, and my dad passed away in 1993 from emphysema related blod clot.  I'm the "baby" of the family and I miss my parents every day and they are in my dreams a lot.  My brother and his wife took care of things mostly, because they were/are all in the Atlanta area and I'm up here.  So while sometimes a mom or dad can get on your last nerve, you gotta make some memories and do the quality time thing.  I try to tell my son family stories so he will know and can pass them on when he has his own family.

That being "pulled in too many directions" feeling sounds very familiar and brings back some memories.  Mom, husband, and son all wanting my attention.

" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon

Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!

on 7/13/08 5:33 am - IL

Good Morning Illinois!

Agenda for today:

* Clean.

* Do laundry.

* Run to my parents for dinner.

That's it!

Have a wonderful day!


C. Richardson
on 7/13/08 6:14 am

Good Afternoon Everyone -

What a glorious day!  I met up with Paula T. this morning and had a great time just talking and sharing our experiences with one another.  I could not believe how quick the time went.  I had no idea we were both getting sunburned.  With the wind blowing, It felt so nice but man I'm burned and poor Paula has a fair skin tone so bet she is really feeling the burn about now. I'm so glad we were able to meet up.  We are neck to neck with our wl so we have set a goal and will work together to meet it.  I'm really excited.

Monica - Happy Anniversary!

Hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy the lovely day.



Kim M.
on 7/13/08 12:01 pm - Poplar Grove, IL
Where did all my energy come from???  Today I cleaned the garage, restacked some firewood, mowed the lawn, weedwacked the yard, sprayed all the bushes and trees for bugs, sprayed the lawn for insects, power washed the deck, patio furniture and all the coolers, went for a bike ride w/ Maddie and made dinner and tossed it in the oven and went for a mile and half run, came home ate and then read to Maddie and then took a hot shower and here I am.  Before I go to bed, I want to clean out the computer/scrapbook room's closet.  I have a few bed spreads that need to go in the garage sale.  I am glad everyone had a good day.  Tomorrow I babysitt the kids.  I think I will take them to the pool if it doesn't rain.  Maddie and I are looking like 2  little brown barries!  Tan skin makes me feel smaller!!! LOL



Barry C.
on 7/13/08 1:19 pm, edited 7/13/08 1:23 pm - Oak Brook, IL

Hey everyone,

     Well life keeps moving forward slowly for me.  Still at the bad gig, but I have my daughter for the weekend so it is good.  We went to Rockford yesterday to visit friends from High SChool, and it was great.  I got a lot of comments about how great of a father I am.  Even thinking about it now makes me tear up.  I just love that munchkin so much.

     I still haven't found a doc yet (need to call lifeweight bariatrics and see if they will take me).  My weight has been stagnant, and it is frustrating as I am SOOOOOOOO close to just being overweight instead of obese.

     Besides that not much else is going on.  Well besides my podcast (I have been doing it for well over 2 years now) just got nominated for a major award.  I have a good feeling I will win, but it is an honor to be nominated, no really, it is.

     Well it is time for bed for me.  Paul, a few weeks ago you mentioned that you knew a recruiter, we need to talk about that.  I saw the message as I was heading to Phoenix for a vacation, so I didn't have anything to write it down with.

     Yep that is all with me.  no big drama anymore, well at least not right now that is.  I will talk to you all soon, and I will try and post more regularly.  Hey I have posted 3 times in the past couple of weeks, that is a good thing, right?

EDIT:  Well I think LifeWeight Baratrics is out as I need weekend hours to have an adjustment.  My job won't let me take all that much time off and it is a huge pain in the rear to do so.  I might try them and use one of the days I am in court to sneak over and get a fill.  Anyone know of anyplace that does a fill on the weekends?


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