Sunday Roll Call
Good Morning Nancy and the rest of my IL family!
Today is going to be a beautiful day. We have to go to Tyler's 2nd play off baseball game at noon today out in Elburn. If they win, they move on to tomorrow night, if they lose, it's all over...makes me sad. I love going to his games. It's my favorite sport that he plays.
Other than that, it's homework and maybe weeding the garden. It's my 7 year anniversary today and hubby has yet to say anything at all about it. That makes me very sad too as things are very rocky in our relationship and though he says that he wants to really make it work, I don't see him trying very hard. oh well. Happy Anniversary to me I
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Happy Anniversary from me too Monica!
Hang in there, if I can make 25 years anyone can !
Seriously, and personally, we've had some rocky moments too, lately, and it could be (I'm speaking for myself here) all the emotional stuff from our surgeries as well as starting to have a different mindset about ourselves.
" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon
Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!
Thank you Nancy. Mike still hasn't even acknowledged the anniversary yet. oh well. he knows that I am not happy right now and he's worried, but you would think that it would be more reason to NOT forget a day like today....
Tyler's team lost the play off baseball is officially over until next spring. Sunburned? heck I was cold in my capri's and t shirt! lol it was SO windy outside.