Sunday Roll Call
Cat Lady
Good Morning,
Sounds like everyone is holding thier own! I have missed posting everyday! That is one of my goals this week! I am having a garage sale on Thur and Fri, so I am super busy w/ that!!! I'm still losing weight, but it is coming off VERY slow. I went for my 2nd fill a few weeks ago and am happy w/ my restriction. Only a few bites or I will get sick! That seems like the norm for me though! I think I'm alot like Lisa in the band department! Connie, I can't wait to see the garden pix's....gardening is a passion of mine also! Kay should be very proud of her gardens!!! I planted seed this year and the problem now is that I don't know what is the flower or what is the weed. Nothing has bloomed yet! I plan to clean out the garage today and spray for japanes beatles. They are soooo bad this year! I hope everyone enjoys thier sunday and relaxes a bit!
Hello Nancy and Illinois,
Looks like we are all busy or sleeping in this morning. I've still got sleep in my eyes and waiting for my coffee to finish as I type. I'm usually on the road to work by 6:30 during the week.
Woke up at 5-ish as usual, my alarm starts going off at 5:20 or so during the week, so my body clock usually wakes me up early on weekends, but usually I go back to sleep..
I had my 3rd fill on Thursday and received another 1 1/2 cc's (I now have 3 1/2 ccs in a 10cc band). Katie did the procedure and Dr. R. stopped me in the hall to ask if I needed anything and how was I doing. Then stopped in the beautiful chapel downstairs at ABMC, that's become a routne whenever I go to the hosptial medical buildings (Wimmer, Brock,) for any appts.
My restriction is very good, much more than ever, even taking my meds (using my teeth as a pill crusher) w/a nutritional drink caused some pain, something must have been too large of a piece, or they all piled up in my little stomach. But all was well, no throwing them up, thank God. I did throw up last night after STUPIDLY eating a handful of dried veggie chips, even though I though I chewed them well. Such pain and then all that (sorry to be so graphic) mucus-y backwash started no choice. Like I said..STUPID.
Otherwise did well on yogurt (greek yogurt ROCKS, I like to drizzle a little honey in it (Trader Joe's has a 0 fat Greek yogurt, very thick and rich, $2.99 for a pint.) I also mix that with regular non or lowfat flavored yogurt and I love it.) and nutritional/protein drinks or shakes for the full liquid phase, today I can move on to blended. My poor husband...trying to plan what to make (he's the main cook these days here) and I'm like "I can't eat that today. Sorry
I'm really trying get in the mood get out and DO things on weekends, but I still tend to do the crash and burn thing after a busy week. Summer goes by pretty fast so I better get myself in gear.
THIS COMING Saturday the 19th, we are going to see a public talk by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Madison WI. I can't believe it's here already. This will be the third time I have been to one of his public talks, we went to both Madison and Chicago last year in May.
Well, that's about it, enough, I think!! Hope to get some work done on my various MySpaces today and websites, but for now I'm going to get that coffee, take my meds, and chill in the lazy boy for a bit until my back stops hurting.
Have a great day, everyone. Back to a busy day at work tomorrow. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm lucky to have a good job and it was my 401k loan that paid for this surgery.
" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon
Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!
Hi Nancy, is LaSalle out west of Chicago? If you have any ethnic type stores you might have more luck, such as independent markets and such.
Or, if you want to try to make it yourself, maybe try taking plain nonfat yogurt and straining it through cheesecloth. That might give you a thick, nonfat yogurt?
Later today, I may look up some brands and post where you can buy them. At work right now so gotta go
" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon
Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!
Dear Nancy:
Here is a recipe for "Greek Yogurt". It is very good and less expensive than the "Fage". The good bacteria in the yougurt "starter" keep this from spoiling while it sets up. I use 2% milk, but I suppose skim would also work if you prefer fat free.
1 gallon (16 cups) 2% milk
1 cup plain yogurt with LIVE CULTURES (check label)
1. In a pan, bring the milk almost to boiling.
2. Pour into a non-metallic bowl.
3. Cover and allow to cool to between 110 and 120 degrees. (Takes about ½ hour to 45 minutes)
4. Gently mix in the yogurt.
5. Cover bowl top and bottom with towels to retain warmth as the yogurt sets--8-12 hours, or overnight. (I set mine in the oven to keep it out of the way.)
6. Do not disturb until the yogurt thickens.
7. Line a colander with cheesecloth, 2-3 layers.
8. Pour yogurt into lined colander and drain 4-5 hours in refrigerator for thick Greek-like consistency.
For yogurt cheese (substitute for cream cheese in any recipe) drain even longer, 6-8 hours in the refrigerator.
Nutrition Facts
(I got these from “The Daily Plate” and I am not really sure if they are accurate, they seemed a little off to me.)
Recipe makes 8 cups, per cup:
Calories 196; Calories from Fat 94
Total Fat 8.5g; Saturated Fat 4.38g; Monounsaturated Fat 0.13g; Polyunsaturated Fat 0.01g; Trans Fat 0.1g; Cholesterol 30mg; Sodium 188.13mg; Potassium 71.63mg; Total Carbohydrate 19g; Dietary Fiber 0g; Sugars 19.5g; Protein 14.13g