Why do we feel so guilty after surgery?!?!
Paul, your post is worth printing out and referring to in times of self-doubt. Very good words, and I got misty eyed too. And Jill "I never had a chance to fully feel my emotions like I do now. " Yes. and Yes...AND IT'S HARD!
Jill, I know what you are saying...but I think not having brought food with you, you made good choices with what was available. Plus, if you were at the pool you were probably burning up more calories and got hungry again faster. (just my opinion).
I really don't know the stomach feeling of lap band/vs RNY as far as feeling "full". I can say for myself, I don't feel full first, I feel pain. That's probably the band pulling. That's my cue to STOP RIGHT NOW, or SLOW DOWN, even if it's something slippery like yogurt. And even if I've not finished the whole portion. But I just had a fill, so I'm very tight right now.
GUILT: My middle name. But I have to remind myself that I STILL have to put a heck of a lot of work into this, I STILL haven't started exercising regularly (like every day), I did it for my health primarily, yeah vanity too, but my health problems were blowing up. And I still feel guilty from time to time, and then there's the other side of the coin, try to eat as little as possible but I don't want to get into the anorexic mind set. Obviously don't eat if you are not hungry but don't starve yourself. I'm finally fitting well into clothes that were a bit too tight last summer. That makes me feel good and that I'm doing something right. And my strength and endurance is coming back.
Last thought because I know this is long: Paul, you hit the nail on the head with that "little voice telling us we are worthless" thing. It's a hard battle to fight and to give ourselves the permission to love ourselves and treat ourselves well. If we don't take care of us, how can we take care of others? This goes for men as well as, traditionally, women - notorious self sacrifiers.
OK that's all, you all wrote beautiful comments and Jill, hang in there and remember how many people love you.
" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon
Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!