Hi Jill! I always start by looking at your beautiful picture. Then I wonder what it would have been like to know you when you were trapped inside the body you used for so many years. I'll never get that opportunity because I am absolutely sure you are done with that disguise! But what I really want to say is that we are not, and never have been FAT people! This is obvious to any of us that travel this road. We are people that used weight as a hiding place for many other problems in our lives. But as I've said so many times before, we are the winners who found the strength to break away from those hiding places and actually work on having phenominal lives! It is a long and often hard path we are on. Every day is filled with many successes and often many set backs. But no matter how you judge each day, over all you are much further along on that path than most will ever get! I think of it as two steps forward and one step back. Unfortunately, this cruel world has told us over and over again that we are failures. We've all bought into the quick fixes that always fail. We all have a history of trying different solutions without success. But if you are on this board and working your plan, you haven't failed this time! And I promise you that you won't!!! If you look at the rate of success for WLS, it's very high! Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, TOPS, Atkins, etc... all have amazingly low rates of long term success. Of course I can't help but think of how profitable those organizations are! But I digress... You are a winner! Get use to it! The old tapes are running constantly through your mind telling you that you will fail. But after a while, you will learn to laugh at those tapes, because they will be proven wrong! I use to own a car that would tell me that my door was ajar (if the door was open). I would argue with the car (okay, I'm a sick puppy), and tell the car that the door was a door, not a jar! I'm going to say it again, you are a winner and you are beautiful!!! You have succeeded and will continue going down a new path that is the life you have chosen and deserve! Celebrate that success and tell those guilt voices that they are old tapes that don't fit anymore! Look in the mirror if you need proof. If it blooms like a flower, smells like a flower, looks like a flower, and feels like a flower, put it in a vase and enjoy it! The one thing we need to practice is acceptance of our new lives. We will gain a pound every now and then and then we will lose it. If we start gaining pounds and creeping back to our old bodies, we'll catch ourselves and get back on the program. That's how winners work! And the greatest part is that we have each other to coach and support the process! We are so afraid of those old voices, that we walk around in guilt for just going through the normal processes of life. How silly is that???? So let me say it one more time, you are WINNER and you are BEAUTIFUL!!! The mirror doesn't lie! Paul