Ok Gang.. I have had the magic bullet for two years and have used it ohhhh I would say 1/2 doz times. I have seriously thought about giving it away or sending it to the goodwill store on many occasions. Well, my sister turned me on to some new recipes that she has mustard up and oh my gosh.... I'm in love
My love for coffee.. well, now that I'm not working my part time job and my day job has cut out just about all OT, I have way too much time on my hands and no money for splurging at my favorite coffee joints.. Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts.. So this is a cheap way to get my fix.
Tonight I whipped up the following....
these were all "eyeballed" not measured. Oh man, don't tell my nutritionist I eyeballed it instead of measuring!
1 scoop of Van Whey protein mix
1tbsp of instant coffee
1/2 tsp of coco
1cup of skim milk
fill the rest of your cup up w/ ice
zip, zip, zip a couple times thru the bullet and yummm, yummm good.
She has so many different things she shared with me and I can't wait to experiment. Geez..... I really need to get a second job. Too much time on my hands.
Another one she makes is w/out coffee for those that don't like coffee...
1scoop of protein mix
1cup of skim milk.. zip once
add 1tbsp of your favorite sf jello pudding powder
add ice, zip, zip.. make sure you zap it at least once before you add your pudding powder because she said the pudding sets up really fast and the protein mix will not get mixed well.
Of course you can always add fruit for a refreshing change. I have frozen bananas in my freezer so I'm going to try that too.
Another thing she mentioned for us coffee lovers.. freeze your left over coffee in ice cube trays and use those as your ice.
There are so many things that can be made.. it's endless possibilities. I can't believe I've waited this long to get excited about this kitchen gadget.
Have fun and I would love to hear what you have whipped up.