Tuesday Roll Call
I'm up early because I can't sleep, so I thought I would start the morning roll call.
I'll probably go to work early then come home early as well. At least my job permits me some flexibility in my working hours.
So far I am doing very well since my second fill yesterday morning. Today I am allowed solid foods. I have to remember to take small bites and chew well. I'm anxious to see how solid food feels after my fill.
I probably couldn't sleep much because I was thinking about a lot of things. I also had a headache and took some pain medication I had from my last plastic surgery. Sometimes when I take pain meds, I can't sleep. It's strange because a usual side effect is drowiness. I don't feel sleepy at all!
So, I am on my way to work in a less than an hour.
No special plans today other than getting some sleep when I get home!
Wishing everyone a great day even though it's going to be warm and humid. We did have some thunderstorms in my area during the night.