OT: Family and the 4th
Is my family having a picnic? Yes, was I asked, no! Are they going to fireworks afterwards? Yes, was I asked, no! Sorry to vent just had to get it off my chest. I am done with my family after this. I am no longer gonna beg and plead for them to sit with mom, I will hire someone. If the inheiritance is gone when mom goes, so be it!
Revision on 04/19/13
Happy 4th Dee. I have a close friend near you that has the same problem, but hers is just one brother. But the way she solved it was to tell her brother that she was planning on a weekend out of town and if he didn't start taking her, at least 2 weekends a month, she would have to be put in a nursing home and left there. Oh, and btw, she expected him to pay part of the nursing home, since she felt she had paid enought for her Mothers care, and it was his turn. She even had all the costs written down, and what he would be expected to pay. It has worked so far. Brother now has Mom every other weekend, and my friend can have a life. He didn't want to fork out any money, so that scared him.
We all do what we have to do.
Go to the fireworks and forget about the family.

Sorry Dee that you had such a bad 4Th. If I were close to you, you would have been more then welcome to join my family! We love to have ppl around. I ended up going to the fireworks with the youngest daughter and her family and then we add a lady and her twins with us. My moto the more the better! I say go on a trip with their inheiritance! Take a cruise they are wonderful!