My visit at the Kane Center Yesterday....

Monica G.
on 7/2/08 1:44 am - North Aurora, IL

Okay I figured I would write this in a new post.

I had my appointment with Katie scheduled for 1pm yesterday.  Was supposed to be with Karyn, but seeing as how Dr R is on vacation Karyn was doing rounds for him.  Well I got there, signed in and sat down.  It was probably 1:30 before I got called back and that's only because one of the nurses (Donna? maybe) noticed me still sitting out there....the ONLY one sitting there the whole time.  So I sit in the room and wait til almost 2 to see Katie.  While I am sitting there I can hear people talking outside the door about putting on the answering service while they go into a quick meeting. Katie comes in, goes over my lab work, asks a few questions and leaves.  Comes back with info on B vitamins and then hands me my original lab work and tells me to just have the girls up front copy it for me and to schedule an appointment in 3 months.  Okay, she walks out and I gather my things and as I head out the exam room door, it's like a ghost office.  No one to be seen, even when I get up to the front desk, no one there, no note on the counter or anything.  So I take a seat thinking that they are finishing up their "quick" meeting.  I wait almost 1/2 hour and then go upstairs to hunt down Michelle for an insurnace question.  I talk to her for about 10 minutes and then go back downstairs.  still no one at the desk.  I walk around the corner and there is no one, it's like the place is closed.  I sit back down and wait another 15 minutes and finally I get up and I am determined to find someone.  I walk down the back hallway and there is Karyn at her desk.  She sees me and can't believe that I am still there.  I tell her what happened and she just shakes her head.  She makes me my copies, we chat a bit about life and I am on my way.  I was VERY frustrated that they would just up and leave like that with no note or anything, knowing that I am still in a room.  I was the only patient there the whole time that I saw anyway. 

Everyone when I did see them, wasn't as friendly as normal and were acting as if something was wrong.  who knows.  For the record and I hope that I don't get slammed for this, but I didn't care for Katie either.  I think that I am so used to Karyn, I've been spoiled. lol



on 7/2/08 2:29 am, edited 7/2/08 3:16 am
Hi Monica,  I have NOT had good experiences at the Kane Ctr either. Yes, the group of Drs. are very skilled and experienced. Yes, they are one of the best groups around. BUT - that in no way entitles them to completely disrespect my time.I have been there 4 times total. The 3 times that I had to see a Dr. or PA, I waited 2 hours - yes, 2 hours before I ever saw the Dr. or PA.The last time I was there, one of the med asst got an attitude when I asked her when I should come back.Then to top it all off,on my last visit after sitting there waiting in the waiting room (  for 2  hours !!!! ) they called me the next day and told me that they forgot to do a bone scan and could I come back in? I will rush right over,spend $25.00 in gas and $40.00 for a sitter to do what couldve been done the day before while I sat there for 2 hours !!!!!  I did talk to the office mgr after the 3rd time that I waited 2 hrs,but really what can she do ? They are double booking the appts and until they stop- its gonna be a mess ! Whewww ! Thanks for letting me vent !
A plan without action is a dream... Action without a plan is a nightmare...

Monica G.
on 7/2/08 2:47 am - North Aurora, IL
well that sucks.  This was the first time I ever had a problem there.  I usually never wait more than 15 minutes for my appts.  Hopefully the meeting yesterday was about this kind of stuff.  lol



Jill F.
on 7/2/08 3:09 am - IL
Hi Monica!!! OMG I have to see Judy at the Kane Ctr. on the 9th!!! ANDDDD I have to bring my 2 year old! I have waited awhile at times to see Dr. Ranits and I get SO annoyed because I sit there in the room for 30 minutes with a 2 year old!!! UGH!!! The Kane Ctr. is awesome and I would not change anything and I LOVE my RNY, but sometimes I felt like Dr. Rantis would forget who I was or my visit would be rally short. Its like we wait for so long and then it takes them 5 mins. to examine us. I did have an appt. with Dr. Rantis 2 1/2 weeks ago and the day before my appt. they canceld on me because they forgot the Dr. would not be in the ofice. I was really annoyed because I had a sitter! Anyways, I dont want to come across like I am bashing the office or the doctors becasue Dr. Rantis saved my life! But for you to sit there in the office Monica for so long is unexceptable!! We spend months preparing for this and jumping through hoops for all the docotrs, they could at least have respect for us and keep track of their patients.  How were all your labs? How are you doing and feeling?   Take care! Jill  
Monica G.
on 7/2/08 5:08 am - North Aurora, IL

I know what you mean Jill.  I love the Kane Center too and they are wonderful, just have some bad judgement sometimes I think.

My labs all came back good except for my HDL (the good cholesterol) is too low and I have to add a B1 vitamin into my schedule too.  The level was 60 and it should have been 89-280.  Otherwise everything was good.

I have been feeling run down lately and very crabby, but I think now that it could be in part to my levels of B1, but also to school being out too!  LOL



Glenda G.
on 7/2/08 5:02 am - Bakersfield, CA

I see Dr Rantis also and I have learned to bring a book. My next appt is at 10am so hopefully it won't be too bad. My last visit I was all settled in my book and he came in after only about 20 min. Thats the fastest ever there. Luckily I don't have any huge reasons why I can't sit there but they def need to work on their scheduling.

HW 237/SW 224/CW 146.2/GW 120-Hate posting current weight but need to be accountable :(
Monica G.
on 7/2/08 5:09 am - North Aurora, IL
Ya know, it's not the waiting before hand that made me crazy yesterday it was the fact that they all left and went into a meeting without waiting for the patients (me!) to be finished.  I worked for a Dr for 9 years....when we had meetings one of us receptionists always waited until every person was checked out before we joined the meeting.   Just makes sense to me! 



on 7/2/08 7:33 am - MI
sounds like poor customer service.  I have to say I am very blessed with Mercy Health and Dr. McClelland.  I usually don't even get to sit down before they call me back.  I have never felt rushed and never been delayed.  My experience with the hospital was the best I have ever had.  They made me feel as if I was their only patient.  They still do.  I am very lucky.
Mary H.
on 7/2/08 9:34 am - Chicagoland, IL
WOW.  Sounds like they were really having a bad day yesterday.  I'm used to waiting too, I go to a lot of doctors and sometimes I have to wait, sometimes I get called right in (always when there's a really good magazine).  Bringing a book is a good idea, I sometimes do that just in case there's no good magazines.   Before my surgery, I had to do a lot of running around and double checking with people there, I felt like the biggest pest in the world, but with all the different doctors involved (for pulmonary, my heart, my psych) sometimes all it takes is for one person SOMEWHERE to not follow through and stuff gets held up for no effing reason.  My boss probably was sick and tired of me being on the phone so much too.  In fact I KNOW she was, but no matter. Since my surgery, I don't need to have that much contact but yeah last time for a fill in the ABMC Wimmer office I was like the last patient they took care of for the morning and my appt was for like 10:30.  I didn't really care because I'd taken the whole day off,  The time before that, I walked in and was taken right back.  When i went in post surgery for a check and for my pain, I don't think I waited too terribly long.  That was at the big Kane/Suburban Surgical office.  A tech at the heart doctor told me that that's very typical of surgeons.  (to run late) I was late for an appt with the heart dr. for my stress echo ekg, because Dr. Rantis ran very late and the heart dr. is just 2 bldg. down.  I should have had plenty of time in between.  So take that for what it's worth. It really does sound like something strange or bad was going on that day and everyone was either distracted, on edge, or something.  It sounds strange to me that they would all need to go into a meeting during office hours, doesn't it?  I would not take it personally.  Karyn is super nice, she helped me with my post op incision problem, also Katie was fine when she saw me at my last visit.   My next appt is next Thursday the 10th at Wimmer, so hopefully everything will be copacetic. (sp?) I'm sorry you had such a bad experience yesterday, Monica.  I'd be a little pissed too. mary

" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon

Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!

Janet Kwiek
on 7/2/08 2:21 pm - IL
I have some long waits-especially at the EGV office, but if I wait over 20 minutes and am not called, I question it and if I have another appt. or when Eddie was working I let them know.  My time is valuable as well, I understand emergencies happen, but be up front and tell people.  I also have let my docs know when a staff member is not as considerate or just plain rude-many times they are unaware of some of the antics in their offices.  Hope your next visit is better-my pet peeve w/them is the darling receptionist announcing-"Are you aware you have an outstanding balance of $23.25-do you want to take care of that now?"-to the whole waiting room.  That should be done in a more discreet way-I sure hope my $23 bucks isn't keeping them from paying the light bill or something.Big Hugs-Janet K
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