My visit at the Kane Center Yesterday....
Okay I figured I would write this in a new post.
I had my appointment with Katie scheduled for 1pm yesterday. Was supposed to be with Karyn, but seeing as how Dr R is on vacation Karyn was doing rounds for him. Well I got there, signed in and sat down. It was probably 1:30 before I got called back and that's only because one of the nurses (Donna? maybe) noticed me still sitting out there....the ONLY one sitting there the whole time. So I sit in the room and wait til almost 2 to see Katie. While I am sitting there I can hear people talking outside the door about putting on the answering service while they go into a quick meeting. Katie comes in, goes over my lab work, asks a few questions and leaves. Comes back with info on B vitamins and then hands me my original lab work and tells me to just have the girls up front copy it for me and to schedule an appointment in 3 months. Okay, she walks out and I gather my things and as I head out the exam room door, it's like a ghost office. No one to be seen, even when I get up to the front desk, no one there, no note on the counter or anything. So I take a seat thinking that they are finishing up their "quick" meeting. I wait almost 1/2 hour and then go upstairs to hunt down Michelle for an insurnace question. I talk to her for about 10 minutes and then go back downstairs. still no one at the desk. I walk around the corner and there is no one, it's like the place is closed. I sit back down and wait another 15 minutes and finally I get up and I am determined to find someone. I walk down the back hallway and there is Karyn at her desk. She sees me and can't believe that I am still there. I tell her what happened and she just shakes her head. She makes me my copies, we chat a bit about life and I am on my way. I was VERY frustrated that they would just up and leave like that with no note or anything, knowing that I am still in a room. I was the only patient there the whole time that I saw anyway.
Everyone when I did see them, wasn't as friendly as normal and were acting as if something was wrong. who knows. For the record and I hope that I don't get slammed for this, but I didn't care for Katie either. I think that I am so used to Karyn, I've been spoiled. lol

I know what you mean Jill. I love the Kane Center too and they are wonderful, just have some bad judgement sometimes I think.
My labs all came back good except for my HDL (the good cholesterol) is too low and I have to add a B1 vitamin into my schedule too. The level was 60 and it should have been 89-280. Otherwise everything was good.
I have been feeling run down lately and very crabby, but I think now that it could be in part to my levels of B1, but also to school being out too! LOL
I see Dr Rantis also and I have learned to bring a book. My next appt is at 10am so hopefully it won't be too bad. My last visit I was all settled in my book and he came in after only about 20 min. Thats the fastest ever there. Luckily I don't have any huge reasons why I can't sit there but they def need to work on their scheduling.

" There are no problems, only solutions"
~John Lennon
Pre-surgery weight 218~ 12-02-08 weight 168
28 pounds to goal!