Sunday Roll Call
Good Afternoon my IL family!
I am TIRED today. Yesterday we helped my neice and her family move from Mt Prospect all the way down to Spring Valley. It was the day from heck! We got there at 10am, the truck didn't get there til almost noon. They still had a ton of things to pack and while no one would let me lift any boxes, I help Tina, my neice, pack up her kitchen and then I kept track of my great neice and great nephew. We didn't leave Mt Prospect until 6pm! We stopped at our place on the way to the new place to let the dogs out and feed them. We finally got down to Spring Valley at about 9am. By the time the truck and all the vans/cars were unloaded and we left it was about 12:30am, we didn't get home and in bed til just after 2am. Today I am kinda sore, my lower back and my arms are killing me, but that's from holding/rocking the kids.
Today Mike and I are headed to Sears to get a new battery for the van. It wouldn't start yesterday at the old place and we had to get a jump. Second time in 1 week that it's done this. It's the original battery in the car and it's 6 1/2 yrs old. Time to retire it. Other than that...nothing planned for today at all! I did enough yesterday!
Have a great day everyone!
Good afternoon to you all,
I just got done washing all the upstairs windows. I did the down stairs ones last week. I was going to go outside to powerwash the screens as I did the other ones and it's raining out. Bummer! I was going to go for a jog after that to get my exercise in. Maddie has been playing with a frien in her room all morning and afternoon. So I am free to putts around the house. I hope the wind keeps up later tonight. I told Maddie that she could have some friends over to catch lightning bugs. The skeeters have beens so bad that they have not had to many chances to catch them. She does this thing that she squeezes thier butt's to get the glowing stuff and then wipes it on thier faces. It's pretty gross, but pretty cool. Then all the kids run around and they all have glowing faces! I hope everyone is enjoying there weekend!