So Annoyed
Mike works for a very small family owned business and they were paying for our insurance premiums. Well he just got notice that not only are they not paying the premiums anymore, but they are taking away the prescription drug program, uppping our deductible from $500 to something like $1500 and changing some other things.
Thank goodness that I am done with my surgery though. I am just annoyed because now Mike is pushing me to get a full time job with benefits so I can carry the insurance for us. I told him I will NOT go back to wor****il the kids are back in school. The way things are with Austyn around here, I just know that something bad would happen and how would Tyler get back and forth to school everyday for football camp. We'll just have to deal with it for now I guess.
Mike is meeting with his boss today to talk about a medical spending account they are offering so maybe this will help. I just know that I have heard some people say that once they've had this surgery insurance can be hard to find. If I get a full time job with benefits does the insurance have to cover me then? It's more losing the prescription coverage that concerns me too.
Now our insurance doesn't cover Tyler or Jacob, their dad does that thank God! So it's just Mike, Austyn and myself.
Jacob is 12 and stays home by himself no problem and him and Tyler can stay alone, but throw Austyn into that mix and it's WW3. Would Mike pay for camp or daycare? NO, he feels that Austyn can stay home himself and if the other kids are here it's okay. Like I said, he just doesn't get it.. Jacob would not want to go to daycare/camp either, both of my boys got their fill of it when I was a single mom and had no other choice.
Thanks Dawn!
Lisa, I am not eligible for unemployment....the business I worked for before surgery was an even smaller family business (it was me and the owner) and he didn't even offer benefits or paid days off or anything like that. If he decided to not open one day, well I didn't get paid. No choice in the matter. He also filed bankruptsy while I was in the hospital, so the business is gone anyway.
I am going to start collecting applications for all the vets in the area...there are a lot and even if I get a part time job to start it will help with money I guess. I might be being a ***** but I am not going to wor****il the kids start school though...I just can't with a clear mind.
Just chimming in here. I work for a small business to but no matter if he is out of business & filed bankruptsy if he was abiding my the law then he would have had to pay unemployement benefits on you. This is where the unemployment would come from not from him personally. He should have already paid in the I said, if he was doing business & taxes the right way. If you got a paycheck with taxes taken out then there had to have been employment taxes taken out. Unless he was just giving you a 1099 at the end of the year. It couldn't hurt to checkout though. Call the unemployment office and they can surley tell you before you go in there and waste your time. All Kids is great! I have it on my kids and depending on how mu*****ome he makes you may even be able to get it for yourselves then it turns to All Family plan. This is the income guidelines link for you. You would be very surprised at the coverage & how cheap the premiums are. Check it out...