A Day in Rock City
Hi all!
As promised, here are the details about A Day in Rock City, July 19, 2008.
This is my small town's yearly festival. It begins at 6:00 am with a pancake and sausage breakfast and goes until 1:30 am when the street dance ends. There is a bunch of stuff in between, including a parade that steps off at 10:30 am (I am in charge of the parade). If the weather is good, we have tethered balloon rides in the late afternoon/early evening.
I can send a schedule to anyone who is interested, just PM me with your email address so that I can reply with the attachment.
What happens at my house is that I usually put a roast or two on the grill in the morning to be sliced for sandwiches (or not) throughout the day. Many people that come out bring a dish and we have buffet type food all day and night. We also recommend that you bring beverages for yourselves and your family. (Families are encouraged!)
I have plenty of room in my yard and on my porch for sitting around and chatting when we/you are not downtown participating. It is a very casual day, Todd, the kids and I are in and out all day long. Most visitors park in or near my driveway and use my house as "home base". We have about 10 plastic chairs in the yard, but bag chairs are useful too.
If you wish to come out, we would love to have you! It is kind of "go at your own pace", "do your own thing". Last year, Chris and Dave came out and we had a lovely time getting to know them better.
Here is a blog site that belongs to some participants that come all the way from Ithica, NY each year. A few of these are children of a couple in town. As you can see.......they REALLY get into it.
http://www.dayinrockcity.blogspot.com/ They do a big float in the parade each year and dress in cosumes for much of the day.
We even have space for a tent or two if you wish to stay into the wee hours at the dance and don't want to drive.
If you have any questions, you know how to reach me!
Revision on 04/19/13