Prayers needed
Sometime on Friday my brother in law will be having surgery. He has multiple medical problems but this surgery is to remove a malignant tumor and his kidney. The tumor is quite large and protrudes into the kidney.
On Wednesday he had a bone scan done and the oncologist found something abnormal on the lumbar area of his spine and in 2 ribs. So now he is going for an MRI and CT scan.
He also saw his opthamologist to rule out ocular lymphoma. They did a biopsy right away. Biopsy report has not come back yet. He has a growth that is affecting his eye.
On top of all this he is diabetic and has already had quadruple bypass surgery.
Prayer is powerful, please keep him in yours. Thank you very much.
Carol, Will be praying for your BIL and his family adding him to my prayer list right now... will pray for him on Friday as well for his surgery to go well and for a quick recovery... Praying for favor on the biopsy reports as well! Praying for comfort for you as well...

Before/Current 427/235
Revision on 04/19/13
Thanks Lisa. I too hope things go well.
My SIL doesn't drive and my MIL lives with her.
They both depend on my BIL to take them places. I'm glad that her daughter in law is not working for the summer to help her out by taking her to and from the hospital. They live an hour from us and it makes it hard when my husband has to work.