Roll Call - Friday the 13th
Good Morning Wendi and the rest of my IL family!
Wendi, I am praying that they figure out what is wrong with you and can fix it soon. It stinks being stuck in the hospital, trust me I know! LOL I can laugh about it now, but ask Dawn, I cried every day more than once!
Today, Jacob and I will be heading to the gym, if he ever gets his lazy butt out of bed here!! Then nothing until I have to take Austyn to his Grandma's for the weekend. The rest of the day I will just hang out with my boys and do nothing.
Tomorrow I will be heading out to my parents house with my sister and niece. Our other sister and her hubby will meet us there and we'll BBQ and hang out for Father's Day. I am really looking forward to this as my mom is going in for back surgery on July 1st and I am scared. This is the 3rd back surgery she's had for the same thing. They have to keep adding spinal fusions in her lower back. First one was just one fusion in 1991, then the 2nd one was also one fusion in 2004 and this one is a 3 fusion with rods. She's in SO much pain now though and the Dr gives her a 85-90% that the pain will be gone after this. Please keep her in your prayers.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and dry day!!

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