Hi Everyone I have been in the hospital......
I have been in the hospital...I was having some problems vomiting,,,and afterwards couldn't stratghten out the pain was so bad. My DH had to call 911...The paramedics said my heart rate was low and they called into ER and they couldn't get an IV started....When I got in ER they were working so fast..gave me pain medication and the next thing I knew I was waking up to a room filled with Dr's & Nurses..they had these rubber pads on my chest...I was told I was found unresponsive and they were getting ready to do the paddles on me. i could hear them talking but could not respond to them...The head Er Dr. said I was given too much pain medication when my heart rate was low..and I should have had a blood pressure check before I was given the pain in my IV. The dr. said he gave me an injection to clear my system of all the pain meds...what a scary situation it was...I was kept in the hospital for a few days....They took an upper GI and my band was fine..Thank God. I had a cat-scan..I had tore a muscle in my abdomen...thats what all the pain is from. I am on pain patches for a month with no lifting or doing stairs...I also had to get some fill taken out...I hope everyone is doing fine...I was praying for all of you while I was in there....I thank God I am alive...no more duladid for me...
Revision on 04/19/13