I totally remember you now after looking at your pictures! My sister had brought me for my 1 week check up after the open procedure and you were there with that adorable little girl of yours!! My sister was drawing pictures for her right?
I am so glad you found us. You will get a lot of help/suggestions and friends here!!
I just read your other reply as well. Yep, it's me. I am doing great considering everything I went through, but I will be VERY honest here....if it weren't for the friends I have made on this site, I am not sure I would be doing as well as I am. They were/are great. Some came to visit me in the hospital and called and sent cards...it was so nice to know that they were there for me and had been through the surgery as well. I thought about you and your cute daughter as well after we met you! I am SO glad that you came to this site. Hang around, you will make some great friends, heck you have one right here already!
Maybe some day we can get together and chat and hang out. You will have to try and come to a get together sometime, they are a lot of fun!