craving a diet coke!!! MMMMMMMMMMMM

Hi Jill,
Yes I am the one who had my Lap RNY on 3/24//08 and then ended up back in the hospital and they had to Open me on 4/9/08 to fix my intestines again. I hate when I "meet" people from OH and don't really get to talk to them at the Dr's office! LOL
You are doing awesome!! I am down 41 lbs right now and am actually getting a little frustrated because it's not quicker, I know I shouldn't be at least it's going down.
I joined a gym this week with my son and we go today for our "intro" to the machines. I am very excited and so is he. woohoo, maybe that will help speed things up. lol
Hopefully we'll see each other again, maybe you can make it to Christina's get together on the 21st? Check the posts, she listed it on here!!