Monday Roll Call
thank you Christina, I am feeling so much better, I am sorry that I will miss your party but I will be in Vegas wearing my new dress
at my Aunt's wedding, I would love to meet you face to face , So maybe next time, I will be able to make it.

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Hi Carol. I am at work sipping on my morning coffee.
Just have to go to the post office after work and then it's home. Need to exercise this evening since I got up later than usual.
Thursday's my big day, getting my first fill. I'm so excited. Of course, I get to see my cutie doc, Dr. Guske. O, what a hunk!!!
Wishing everyone a wonderful Monday.

Good morning Carol and Illinois,
I am in slow mode today. We had problems with our pool pump yesterday, and in the process of helping with that, I got sunburned. Now I remember why I don't get my hair cut real short in summer, my ears are burned to a crisp, even after having sun screen on. Yesterday was so beautiful here, sunny, and almost 100 degrees. Today is cloudy, with storms on the way.
I guess I will clean house today since I have my nieces tomorrow. Next week I will miss roll call due to helping out with vacation bible school.
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Carol and all of my OH Family,
Vacation is over and its back to work. The bad thing though, is that I am cut down to 8 hrs a week (2 half days) for the months of June and August. The good news is that I start getting my SS this month.
The weather is yucky here too. We need the sun.
I have some errands to run this afternoon, nothing else going today.
I am looking forward to Christina's get together, and meeting those that are new.
Hi Lisa,
Your vacation is over and mine will begin soon. We are leaving on Thursday morning and will be back late Monday night. I'm trying to tie up loose ends around here and get all laundry caught up before I go.
As soon as that is done I will put my things in my bags. I've got most things in one place and they are ready to go.
With all this rain and portions of I-70 closed, I really need to keep an eye on the weather. Hopefully the water levels in Indiana will go down soon.
I'm hoping to make it to Christina's get together too! I should pm her to get her address before I leave. Better do that today!
Good Morning Illinois Friends!
Just checking in. Not much going on here today, but some more storms and rain. My seeds are loving this weather. I planted giant pumpkin seeds last Wed. eve with my oldest gson and they are up pretty good already, up about 2 in or so.
I went for a long walk yeserday at the park, too the gdaughter for a stroll in the stroller we was even running a little, it makes her laugh so hard. Shes a wicked 17month old, but loads of fun.
I wish I could attend Christina's Get to Gather but since I am also planning 2 days up to Chicago by train for my grandson I must miss this one. I am hopping to take our little vacation around the 30th of June. Just planning things around my other daughters wiork schedule.
Well enough about me!
Have a safe day!