Thank you!!!!
Just a note to thank all my OH family for all their thoughts and prayers for myself and Eddie these past weeks. I found an angel
, my beautiful niece Melissa, who assisted us with our insurance dilemna. I have the delivery confirmation from the Post Office that it was delivered on the 7th and I had 'til the 9th to get it in so we should be OK-Thank You, Jesus! Friday we got confirmation that Eddie was approved for long term disability, by the company insurance and once he is approved by the government they will co-ordinate benefits. So that and my new "career" should keep our heads above water, or at least keep the water just at the lower lips!
I slept last night for the 1st time in weeks-I have been a basket case of nerves.
Thank you again for all your support and prayers-I love you all
-Big Hugs-Janet K

Oh Janet... So good to hear that God has answered some prayers! I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers! What a wonderful niece Melissa you have! I am so happy to hear you were able to get some well deserved and needed rest! Take care! we love ya! Jenn

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