Tuesday Roll Call
(deactivated member)
on 6/2/08 10:38 pm
on 6/2/08 10:38 pm
Happy Tuesday everyone....
Not very happy for me
! Had my pulmonira (spelled wrong) test last night at the hospital at 7:00 p.m. I thought great after work the best time.....of course I went there and NO ONE had my paperwork...so of course I spent 45 min. running around the hospital trying to find someone to give me my paperwork. Even though they called ME to schedule all these dang test. Finally by the grace of god, a women took pitty on me in Admintting and found someone in Central Scheduling that had it.
So anyway back upstairs for my test.......i was terriable, I'm hacking...couching....the lady says I think you have asma (spelled wrong).....GREAT I thought....Just what I want to hear before surgery....So she advised I see a Pulmonia doctor ASAP....I said well I see him all the time for my sleep apenia and never once do he listen to my chest or anything...
And my other surgery I have in 2003, they rushed me into the recovering room asking me if I smoke, etc. they couldn't get a good oxgen reading on me. They were very concerned. That's what got me to go into the pulmonery doctor in the first place and they found my sleep apenia. I was on an inhaler for awhile, but he never saw me again for that??? I've had 2 other surgries since that with no issues....But now I'm really nervous about this. I guess I'll be making phone calls today!
Good think I work for a company that doesn't mind making phone calls.....
Well have a nice day everyone, they say storms!

(deactivated member)
on 6/3/08 12:29 am - Park Forest, IL
on 6/3/08 12:29 am - Park Forest, IL
Dear Lynne, sorry you had such a bad night. I have asthma yet when i go to the Pulmonologist my tests are ok. It seems certain things trigger my asthma, so I'm on a the meds even though the pulmonologist couldn't find anything wrong. Yet I have had to go to the hospital for nebulizer treatments after which my PCP wrote a script for a home nenbulizer.. My PCP manages my asthma and since I have been on Floradil I have had no episodes (over 1 year). I hope the figure out what is happening to you. Paulette