Florida bound

Good luck on your move to Flordia! You are right determination will get you to 299. I had to get my BMI under 50 in the begining and then I would be given a date. I lost 20 pounds with in 2 weeks. I started with a BMI of 52.6 I ate only spinach straight out of the can, drank tomatoe juice low sodium, had cottage cheese 2% and drank lots of water. You can do it, when things feel like its impossible come on here, this is where I got the most support. I have 3 angles on here and they don't even know it but with out all their support I would not have made it!!!
Hey that is great!20 pounds in 2 weeks,wow!I also found out too that me being a water holder that I can lose at least 8 pounds in 2 days by taking a water pill,along with potassium because my doctor says that the water pill takes potassium away from you.Plus I love my vegies & fruit although I limit the fruit because of the sugars.I make my own version of that diet cabbage soup & try to eat things that have the fewest carbs,sugars & calories.It`s been really rough finding sugar free things that actually taste good.Even with Splenda I just can`t take the taste.Plus I`ve learned that artificial sweeteners give me a bad case of cotton mouth.So I`ve been learning that if I can`t handle the taste of them I don`t have them at all.It`s hard doing away with the things I love but the DETERMINATION in me is stronger than the food temptations!I`m not about to let anything mess up my surgery.One more thing I found out lol.I tried this product called colopure.It cleans out & is suppose to detoxify your intestines/colon.It takes a few pounds off also.It works like a combination laxative/stool softener.I know,I get on here about every other month or so.I love this place.I wish I had more time to spend on here but I try to update all my info when i do get on.The people here at OH are very supportive of each other.