What does everyone pay for an lap band fill?
I am a self-pay, and I just set up my first appointment for a fill in my area. The first time is $150 since it will also be the first consultation with the doctor (fair enough), then it will be $100 for each future fill. The nurse said that if the doctor has to do any adjust ments (take some out), he doesn't usually charge for that. My doc is in Crystal Lake which is in the far Northwest suburbs of Chicago (about 40 miles). If you would like the doctor's information, just PM me and I'll be glad to send it along. Paul
Hey Paul,
I'll be moving into the Mundelein area in a few months and I'm looking for an affordable surgeon that takes on outside patients. My current doc is in Austin, Texas so I don't think I'll be able to go to him when I need a fill. If you could give me your docs name and info I'd really appreciate it.